Year-by-Year Top-Tens Leaders & Records for Double Plays Turned as C

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Top 10 Yearly Leaders

1. Merv Shea 17
2. Gus Mancuso 15
Bill Dickey 15
4. Al Lopez 14
Ray Hayworth 14
6. Jimmie Wilson 13
7. Luke Sewell 12
8. Frankie Pytlak 11
Shanty Hogan 11
10. Rick Ferrell 10
1. Jack Lapp 23
2. Yip Owens 19
3. Bill Rariden 18
4. Steve O'Neill 17
5. Sam Agnew 16
6. Ivey Wingo 15
Walter Blair 15
Jack Meyers 15
9. George Gibson 14
10. Grover Land 13