
From BR Bullpen

Use the form below to upload files, to view or search previously uploaded images go to the list of uploaded files, uploads and deletions are also logged in the upload log.

Note: Your file will be deleted unless you provide detailed information on both:

  1. The source of the file:
    • If you made it yourself, say so.
    • If the file is available online, include a link to the source page.
    Most images on the internet are copyrighted and are not appropriate for uploading to the Bullpen. However, some images available online are in the public domain. Always check the site's copyright policy first before uploading.
  2. The copyright holder and the license of the file, including:
    • A copyright/license tag from those listed below,
    • An explanation of why you believe the file is so licenced, and
    • A fair use rationale, if uploading a fair use image.
    • If you upload a file here to which you hold the copyright, you must license it under a free license or release it into the public domain.

Users who upload content with false license declarations, or who repeatedly upload images with no license declaration, may be blocked.

To aid in indicating image sources and license information a variety of image tags have been created.

For more information, see our image use policy.

Please use a clear and descriptive file name, which is listed wll be in the Destination filename: box. Note: that if any image with the same title has already been uploaded, it will be replaced with your new one.

Please use JPEG format for photographic images, and SVG format for icons, logos, drawings, maps, flags, and such, falling back to PNG when only a raster image is available. Fair use icons, logos, drawings, maps, flags, and such should be uploaded in PNG format instead of SVG. Use GIF format for animations.

To include the image in a page, use a link in the form [[Image:file name (with extension)]] or [[Image:file name (with extension)|alt text]].