1972 Minor League Affiliates

1972 Season Minor League Affiliates
Franchise Tms AAA AA A Short-Season A Rookie Other
Atlanta Braves4 Richmond Savannah Greenwood Wytheville
Baltimore Orioles7 Rochester Asheville Lodi, Miami Lewiston Bluefield Orioles
Boston Red Sox7 Louisville Pawtucket Winston-Salem, Winter Haven Williamsport Red Sox, Red Sox
California Angels6 Salt Lake City Shreveport Quad Cities, Stockton Idaho Falls Angels
Chicago Cubs6 Wichita Midland Quincy Cubs Cubs, Cubs
Chicago White Sox4 Tucson Knoxville Appleton White Sox
Cincinnati Reds6 Indianapolis Trois-Rivieres Tampa Reds, Reds Reds
Cleveland Indians4 Portland Elmira Reno Indians
Detroit Tigers7 Toledo Montgomery Clinton, Lakeland, Rocky Mount Bristol Tigers
Houston Astros5 Oklahoma City Columbus Cocoa Astros, Covington
Kansas City Royals10 Omaha Jacksonville San Jose, Waterloo Billings, Royals, Kingsport Royals Blue, Royals White, Royals
Los Angeles Dodgers7 Albuquerque El Paso Bakersfield, Daytona Beach Spokane Ogden Dodgers
Milwaukee Brewers4 Evansville San Antonio Danville Newark
Minnesota Twins8 Tacoma Charlotte Charlotte, Lynchburg, Orlando, Wisconsin Rapids Twins Twins
Montreal Expos6 Peninsula Quebec West Palm Beach Jamestown Expos Expos
New York Mets7 Tidewater Memphis Pompano Beach, Visalia Batavia Marion Mets
New York Yankees7 Syracuse West Haven Fort Lauderdale, Kinston Oneonta Johnson City Yankees
Oakland Athletics4 Iowa Birmingham Burlington Coos Bay-North Bend
Philadelphia Phillies6 Eugene Reading Spartanburg Auburn Pulaski Phillies
Pittsburgh Pirates8 Charleston Sherbrooke Gastonia, Salem Niagara Falls Pirates Pirates, Pirates
San Diego Padres4 Hawaii Alexandria Tri-City, Walla Walla
San Francisco Giants6 Phoenix Amarillo Decatur, Fresno Great Falls Giants
St. Louis Cardinals8 Tulsa Arkansas Cedar Rapids, Modesto, St. Petersburg Cardinals, Red Birds Cardinals
Texas Rangers5 Denver Pittsfield Burlington, Greenville Geneva

About the Register Data

Historical performance data for professional leagues (affiliated minor leagues, independent minor leagues, fall/winter leagues, and other international leagues) is provided by and licensed from 24-7 Baseball and Chadwick Baseball Bureau. It incorporates the work of many stalwart baseball researchers, including Cliff Blau, Art Cantu, Frank Hamilton, Reed Howard, Kevin Johnson, Bob McConnell, Jack Morris, and Ray Nemec, as well as members of the Minor Leagues Committee of the Society for American Baseball Research.

Perhaps most importantly, it builds upon the seminal work of Ed Washuta, who magnanimously provided the framework to make the whole thing possible.

Minor league Total Zone (Rctch&Rtz, 2005-2009) data provided by Baseballprojection.com and Minorleaguesplits.com.

About the Negro League Data


This data comes from two sources. 1) The Negro Leagues Researchers and Authors Group put together by the National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum thanks to a grant provided by Major League Baseball. 2) Gary Ashwill and his collaborators.

The Hall of Fame data is found for the years 1920-1948 and the Ashwill data is found from 1904-1919. Many statistics are incomplete due to ongoing research and/or limitations in published sources, so please be assured that we are aware there are issues with the data and will continue to work with our data providers to improve the data that appears here.

The Hall of Fame dataset

This data is constructed from the best available information as provided by Larry Lester, Wayne Stivers and Dick Clark of the Negro Leagues Researchers and Authors Group. It contains data culled from newspaper boxscores, covering league sanctioned games from 1920 to 1948, which was produced for a study sponsored by Major League Baseball and the National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. It reflects totals as compiled by the NLRAG up to 2006. As new credible information is continually unearthed, these numbers will continue to change.

Baseball-Reference and the National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum would like to acknowledge Major League Baseball for funding this study, along with the Negro Leagues Researchers and Authors Group for their extensive efforts to collect the raw data and construct the most comprehensive database of Negro Leagues Baseball statistics.  Under the direction of Larry Lester, Wayne Stivers and Dick Clark, this database is the largest dataset ever made publically available and we wish to express our gratitude for all their efforts to help rebuild this lost statistical history.

The Ashwill Negro Leagues Database

Playing statistics and biographical data on the Negro leagues (all pre-1920) and early Latin American professional baseball is licensed from and provided by the Negro Leagues Database, a project organized by Gary Ashwill with the participation of many historians of Negro league and Latin American baseball.

The database is a work in progress, and will include more seasons as development continues. It appears in its original form at Seamheads.com.

Playing statistics and biographical data for this portion of our dataset (The Negro Leagues Database) are all copyright 2013 by Gary Ashwill. All rights reserved.


Note that our records are missing thousands of players who played in the Negro Leagues for minor league teams, independent teams, barnstorming teams or even Negro major league teams. We will bring their records to light as soon as suitable records are available for those players.

Details about our NLB Data