Year-by-Year Top-Tens Leaders & Records for Errors Committed as CF (s.1901)

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Top 10 Yearly Leaders

1. Sam Rice 21
2. Max Carey 15
3. Arnold Statz 14
4. Baby Doll Jacobson 13
5. Johnny Mostil 12
6. Hi Myers 11
Cy Williams 11
8. Jack Smith 9
Valentín Dreke 9
10. Ray Powell 8
1. Max Carey 20
2. Ray Powell 19
3. John Donaldson 17
4. Frank Welch 15
Sam Rice 15
Bernardo Baró 15
7. Nemo Leibold 14
8. Johnny Mostil 13
9. Hi Myers 10
Ty Cobb 10
1. Ty Cobb 17
2. Clyde Milan 16
3. Benny Kauff 14
4. Tillie Walker 12
5. Jack Smith 11
6. Tris Speaker 10
7. Lee Magee 8
Armando Marsans 8
Hi Myers 8
10. Happy Felsch 7
1. Tillie Walker 22
2. Clyde Milan 21
3. Ty Cobb 18
4. Benny Kauff 15
5. Hi Myers 14
Zip Collins 14
7. Fred Snodgrass 13
8. Cy Williams 12
9. Cozy Dolan 10
Edd Roush 10
Rebel Oakes 10
Tris Speaker 10
1. Tris Speaker 24
2. Clyde Milan 23
3. Burt Shotton 20
4. Ty Cobb 14
5. Harry Wolter 13
6. Casey Stengel 12
7. Les Mann 11
Fred Snodgrass 11
Rebel Oakes 11
10. Josh Devore 10
Dode Paskert 10
1. Wirt Cannell 23
2. Cy Seymour 21
3. Mike Donlin 19
4. John Dobbs 17
5. Jimmy Slagle 12
6. Fielder Jones 11
Charlie Jones 11
Danny Hoffman 11
9. Duff Cooley 10
Harry Bay 10
1. Homer Smoot 22
2. Cozy Dolan 20
3. Emmet Heidrick 18
4. Jimmy Ryan 15
5. Cy Seymour 14
Jimmy Barrett 14
7. Billy Lush 13
8. Steve Brodie 12
Chick Stahl 12
10. Billy Hoy 11