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John Lackey goes on the DL

Posted by Andy on May 17, 2011

John Lackey was scheduled to start tonight but was placed on the DL instead, with an elbow strain. From that piece:

Francona was asked if this is a smokescreen for a mental-health break for Lackey, who is dealing with some family issues in addition to his troubles on the mound, leading him to say after his last start that everything in his life was not good these days.

"Really not, no," Francona said when asked if the move was made to give Lackey time to clear his head.

I don't believe Francona, but I think his answer was the right one to give. I suspect the hope is that some time away from the game will give Lackey the opportunity to focus some energy on his personal life, hopefully come to a better place there, and then be able to focus more on baseball when he comes back to pitch.

It's clearly the right thing to do. Life's more important than baseball, and Lackey's not giving the Red Sox much chance to win anyway.

14 Responses to “John Lackey goes on the DL”

  1. Andrew Says:

    Not anymore of a "smokescreen" than what the Angels did with Kazmir...

  2. BSK Says:

    I know this is not really the intention of the post, but is this an appropriate use of the DL list? I thought players needed to have a substantiated injury or the system would be abused.

    I know MLB now offers "Bereavement Leave" which allows a team to temporarily disable a player without losing him for the minimum 15 games. Perhaps another type of list is required, though that may risk the discretion that would be prefered in a case like this. So tricky to deal with private matters in public profession.

  3. Andy Says:

    BSK, they are valid questions. In the case of Lackey I presume a could of things:

    1) I'm sure just about any pitcher can be shown to have an inflamed elbow or a straight oblique or something. Nobody is ever 100%


    2) Even if every single person involved with MLB suspects that Lackey is being disabled purely so he can deal with personal matters, I doubt anybody would mind in this case. He's dealing with something very real and problematic. It's not like he's been disabled purely because he's in a slump and the team wants to put someone else on the roster.

  4. John Autin Says:

    I guess it is a good thing, in the big picture, that MLB is now more like a typical workplace in terms of getting time off for personal issues.

    It still feels odd, though, that multi-millionaires get paid family leave.

    And sometimes, my grumpy old fan overcomes my sympathy. Jason Bay, who has been a flat-out bust with the Mets, opened this season on the DL, missing the first 18 games. He came back, played 10 games (totaling 3 RBI, all in 1 game) -- and then missed 2 games on paternity leave.

    OK, I guess that's the way things are now, and I suppose it's right.

    But I know one thing for sure: I don't want to hear any more about what a long season it is and how the players suffer being away from their families.

  5. Darrel Says:

    #2. A stress related illness that isn't physical, is still an illness. Yes is it appropriate.

    To all the press, this is a MYOB situation. We don't need anymore information. (MYOB-Mind Your Own Business).

  6. Jim P. Says:

    Sorry this is off topic... Nothing today on the Royals pitcher who gave up 14 ER in 2+ IP?

  7. Dave Says:

    @6, he was sent down to AAA. Is that what you mean?

    Also, I hope Ned Yost gave him a heads up that he may have to "take one for the team", if he didn't he should be fired.

  8. Jim P. Says:

    This blog is usually on top of statiscal oddities and I can't help but think that 14 ER over any outing, (much less, 2 IP in a relief apperance) is an oddity 🙂

  9. Rich Says:

    "But I know one thing for sure: I don't want to hear any more about what a long season it is and how the players suffer being away from their families."

    This is still true

  10. Andy Says:

    @6, I am trying to find the time to write something on that. I had time this morning before my family woke up but the database wasn't updated yet!

  11. Carl Says:

    My thoughts were that it was a smokescreen, too - but Lackey's contract can be voided if he has surgery on his elbow for a pre-existing condition. That makes me think that there must be something - I think the PA might object to screwing around with something that could cost him $15M a year.

    That said, I'm sure it's at least partly to give him a mental break.

  12. jiffy Says:

    Since we're throwing requests, saw Pujols started at 3B for the Cardinals last night and it had been something like 9 years between starts. Something about longest time between starts at a position would be interesting.

  13. kenh Says:

    I think its a good idea. I watched him in his last start against the Blue Jays and his stuff still looked good, but you could tell he was struggling with command. I believe command comes mostly from being able to totally focus mentally. And its understandable if John is struggling to focus.

  14. Neil L. Says:

    @6 @7

    Jim P & Dave, sorry I didn't read here before I posted two blogs forward about the same issue.