Standard Pitching

Show Non‑Major
Standard Pitching Table
1961 24 MIN AL 0.1 1 0 1.000 2.92 7 0 3 0 0 0 12.1 15 6 4 1 10 1 10 0 0 1 61 149 4.44 2.027 10.9 0.7 7.3 7.3 1.00
1962 25 MIN AL -0.4 4 3 .571 4.45 44 6 11 1 0 3 95.0 98 57 47 14 39 3 70 1 0 3 413 92 4.32 1.442 9.3 1.3 3.7 6.6 1.79
1963 26 MIN AL 3.7 12 5 .706 2.62 32 20 2 7 2 0 164.2 145 53 48 21 43 1 100 0 1 10 674 139 3.71 1.142 7.9 1.1 2.4 5.5 2.33
1964 27 2TM AL 0.3 7 14 .333 4.41 37 25 3 2 0 0 171.1 176 92 84 27 50 7 132 1 1 7 731 82 4.01 1.319 9.2 1.4 2.6 6.9 2.64
1964 27 MIN AL -0.4 3 6 .333 4.74 14 11 1 2 0 0 79.2 78 45 42 13 19 3 54 0 0 4 330 76 4.09 1.218 8.8 1.5 2.1 6.1 2.84
1964 27 CLE AL 0.7 4 8 .333 4.12 23 14 2 0 0 0 91.2 98 47 42 14 31 4 78 1 1 3 401 88 3.94 1.407 9.6 1.4 3.0 7.7 2.52
1965 28 CLE AL 2.0 8 4 .667 3.34 41 12 6 4 2 0 132.0 122 50 49 13 26 6 80 1 0 1 532 105 3.20 1.121 8.3 0.9 1.8 5.5 3.08
1966 29 2TM AL 3.2 8 9 .471 3.30 36 21 5 9 2 0 169.1 157 70 62 18 46 9 85 2 0 1 700 115 3.78 1.199 8.3 1.0 2.4 4.5 1.85
1966 29 CLE AL 0.5 1 0 1.000 2.81 8 2 3 1 0 0 16.0 17 5 5 1 3 0 8 1 0 0 66 126 3.12 1.250 9.6 0.6 1.7 4.5 2.67
1966 29 BOS AL 2.6 7 9 .438 3.35 28 19 2 8 2 0 153.1 140 65 57 17 43 9 77 1 0 1 634 114 3.85 1.193 8.2 1.0 2.5 4.5 1.79
1967 30 BOS AL 3.3 8 10 .444 2.77 35 24 2 6 2 1 181.2 171 64 56 14 32 7 101 2 0 3 735 127 2.99 1.117 8.5 0.7 1.6 5.0 3.16
1968 31 BOS AL -1.1 5 5 .500 3.93 50 2 30 1 0 12 103.0 89 54 45 10 25 5 53 1 0 3 418 81 3.38 1.107 7.8 0.9 2.2 4.6 2.12
1969 32 BOS AL 0.9 6 9 .400 3.68 41 15 6 2 0 3 137.0 137 70 56 14 56 8 59 6 0 4 603 105 4.33 1.409 9.0 0.9 3.7 3.9 1.05
1970 33 2TM AL -1.0 3 2 .600 5.44 36 0 9 0 0 2 49.2 62 37 30 10 17 4 28 2 0 2 233 73 5.28 1.591 11.2 1.8 3.1 5.1 1.65
1970 33 BOS AL -1.1 2 2 .500 5.60 20 0 5 0 0 2 27.1 34 24 17 5 12 3 14 2 0 1 132 72 5.53 1.683 11.2 1.6 4.0 4.6 1.17
1970 33 CHW AL 0.1 1 0 1.000 5.24 16 0 4 0 0 0 22.1 28 13 13 5 5 1 14 0 0 1 101 74 4.97 1.478 11.3 2.0 2.0 5.6 2.80
10 Yrs 11.0 62 61 .504 3.56 359 125 77 32 8 21 1216.0 1172 553 481 142 344 51 718 16 2 35 5100 103 3.76 1.247 8.7 1.1 2.5 5.3 2.09
162 Game Avg 1.5 9 9 .504 3.56 50 18 11 4 1 3 171 165 78 68 20 48 7 101 2 0 5 717 103 3.76 1.247 8.7 1.1 2.5 5.3 2.09
BOS (5 Yrs) 4.7 28 35 .444 3.45 174 60 45 17 4 18 602.1 571 277 231 60 168 32 304 12 0 12 2522 106 3.70 1.227 8.5 0.9 2.5 4.5 1.81
MIN (4 Yrs) 3.0 20 14 .588 3.61 97 37 17 10 2 3 351.2 336 161 141 49 111 8 234 1 1 18 1478 105 3.98 1.271 8.6 1.3 2.8 6.0 2.11
CLE (3 Yrs) 3.2 13 12 .520 3.61 72 28 11 5 2 0 239.2 237 102 96 28 60 10 166 3 1 4 999 99 3.48 1.239 8.9 1.1 2.3 6.2 2.77
CHW (1 Yr) 0.1 1 0 1.000 5.24 16 0 4 0 0 0 22.1 28 13 13 5 5 1 14 0 0 1 101 74 4.97 1.478 11.3 2.0 2.0 5.6 2.80
Standard Pitching Table
1967 30 BOS WS 0 0 0.00 1 0 0 0 0 0 2.0 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 2.54 1.500 13.5 0.0 0.0 0.0
1 Yr 0 0 0.00 1 0 0 0 0 0 2.0 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 2.54 1.500 13.5 0.0 0.0 0.0
162 Game Avg 0 0 0.00 68 0 0 0 0 0 136 204 68 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 612 2.54 1.500 13.5 0.0 0.0 0.0
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Value Pitching

Value Pitching Table
Season Age Team Lg IP G GS R RA9 RA9opp RA9def RA9role PPFp RA9avg RAA WAA gmLI WAAadj WAR RAR waaWL% 162WL% Awards
1961 24 MIN AL 12.1 7 0 6 4.38 4.68 -0.09 -0.20 106 4.83 1 0.1 0.46 0.0 0.1 2 .510 .500
1962 25 MIN AL 95.0 44 6 57 5.40 4.39 0.16 -0.08 104 4.32 -11 -1.1 1.29 -0.2 -0.4 -4 .476 .494
1963 26 MIN AL 164.2 32 20 53 2.90 4.12 0.22 0.05 99 3.91 19 2.4 1.18 -0.1 3.7 31 .575 .515
1964 27 2TM AL 171.1 37 25 92 4.83 4.00 -0.14 0.05 101 4.22 -12 -1.0 1.13 -0.2 0.3 1 .473 .498
1964 27 MIN AL 79.2 14 11 45 5.08 3.92 0.09 0.06 101 3.91 -10 -1.0 2.53 -0.1 -0.4 -4 .430 .494
1964 27 CLE AL 91.2 23 14 47 4.61 4.07 -0.34 0.03 101 4.48 -1 0.0 0.66 -0.1 0.7 6 .500 .500
1965 28 CLE AL 132.0 41 12 50 3.41 3.93 -0.08 -0.02 100 3.99 9 1.1 0.94 -0.2 2.0 18 .526 .507
1966 29 2TM AL 169.1 36 21 70 3.72 4.03 0.14 0.05 111 4.35 12 1.8 1.26 -0.1 3.2 25 .549 .507
1966 29 CLE AL 16.0 8 2 5 2.81 4.51 -0.05 0.04 98 4.51 3 0.4 1.62 0.0 0.5 4 .549 .502
1966 29 BOS AL 153.1 28 19 65 3.82 3.98 0.16 0.05 112 4.34 9 1.4 1.02 -0.1 2.6 21 .549 .508
1967 30 BOS AL 181.2 35 24 64 3.17 3.64 0.24 0.04 109 3.77 12 1.8 0.98 -0.1 3.3 25 .552 .511
1968 31 BOS AL 103.0 50 2 54 4.72 3.55 0.16 -0.12 106 3.48 -14 -1.6 1.52 -0.5 -1.1 -7 .468 .490
1969 32 BOS AL 137.0 41 15 70 4.60 4.20 -0.01 -0.02 105 4.41 -3 -0.2 1.38 -0.2 0.9 9 .495 .499
1970 33 2TM AL 49.2 36 0 37 6.70 4.25 -0.14 -0.18 107 4.51 -12 -1.2 1.04 -0.3 -1.0 -8 .466 .496
1970 33 BOS AL 27.1 20 0 24 7.90 4.22 0.10 -0.18 110 4.34 -11 -1.1 1.38 -0.3 -1.1 -8 .444 .493
1970 33 CHW AL 22.1 16 0 13 5.24 4.28 -0.44 -0.18 104 4.72 -1 -0.1 0.61 0.0 0.1 1 .492 .499
10 Yrs 1216.0 359 125 553 4.09 3.99 0.07 0.00 105 4.09 -1 2.0 1.21 -1.7 11.0 93 .506 .501
162 Game Avg 171 50 18 78 4.09 3.99 0.07 0.00 105 4.09 0 0.3 1.21 -0.2 1.5 13 .506 .501
BOS (5 Yrs) 602.1 174 60 277 4.14 3.87 0.14 -0.01 109 4.04 -7 0.3 1.37 -1.1 4.7 39 .502 .500
MIN (4 Yrs) 351.2 97 37 161 4.12 4.17 0.16 0.01 101 4.05 -3 0.5 1.23 -0.4 3.0 25 .505 .501
CLE (3 Yrs) 239.2 72 28 102 3.83 4.02 -0.18 0.01 100 4.21 10 1.4 0.97 -0.2 3.2 28 .520 .504
CHW (1 Yr) 22.1 16 0 13 5.24 4.28 -0.44 -0.18 104 4.72 -1 -0.1 0.61 0.0 0.1 1 .492 .499

Advanced Pitching

Advanced Pitching Table
Batting Against Pitching Ratios Win Probability
Season Age Team Lg IP BA OBP SLG OPS BAbip HR% K% BB% WPA cWPA RE24 Awards
1961 24 MIN AL 12.1 .294 .410 .471 .880 .350 1.6 16.4 16.4 0.0 0.0% -0.68
1962 25 MIN AL 95.0 .271 .342 .431 .773 .300 3.4 16.9 9.4 -1.1 -2.9% -7.51
1963 26 MIN AL 164.2 .233 .283 .366 .648 .248 3.1 14.8 6.4 1.6 -0.7% 16.02
1964 27 2TM AL 171.1 .263 .314 .416 .730 .290 3.7 18.1 6.8 -3.4 -3.7% -14.21
1964 27 MIN AL 79.2 .255 .297 .418 .715 .270 3.9 16.4 5.8 -2.2 -3.4% -8.39
1964 27 CLE AL 91.2 .269 .328 .415 .743 .309 3.5 19.5 7.7 -1.2 -0.3% -5.82
1965 28 CLE AL 132.0 .247 .284 .383 .666 .269 2.4 15.0 4.9 0.2 1.7% 5.99
1966 29 2TM AL 169.1 .249 .298 .376 .674 .259 2.6 12.1 6.6 0.9 -0.3% 6.68
1966 29 CLE AL 16.0 .279 .318 .361 .679 .302 1.5 12.1 4.5 -0.1 -0.3% 0.27
1966 29 BOS AL 153.1 .246 .296 .377 .673 .254 2.7 12.1 6.8 1.0 0.0% 6.41
1967 30 BOS AL 181.2 .246 .281 .357 .639 .271 1.9 13.7 4.4 0.1 -1.1% 9.65
1968 31 BOS AL 103.0 .237 .280 .362 .642 .246 2.4 12.7 6.0 0.9 0.5% -13.82
1969 32 BOS AL 137.0 .256 .332 .397 .729 .265 2.3 9.8 9.3 -0.8 0.1% -6.26
1970 33 2TM AL 49.2 .297 .351 .483 .834 .299 4.3 12.0 7.3 -0.7 -0.3% -14.24
1970 33 BOS AL 27.1 .298 .366 .465 .831 .296 3.8 10.6 9.1 -0.3 -0.3% -12.26
1970 33 CHW AL 22.1 .295 .330 .505 .835 .303 5.0 13.9 5.0 -0.4 0.0% -1.97
10 Yrs 1216.0 .252 .304 .390 .694 .270 2.8 14.1 6.7 -2.4 -6.8% -18.40
MLB Average .249 .315 .374 .689 .276 2.2 15.2 8.3
Advanced Pitching Table
Batting Against Pitching Ratios Batted Ball Win Probability
Season Age Team Lg IP BA OBP SLG OPS BAbip HR% K% BB% LD% GB% FB% GB/FB WPA cWPA RE24 Awards
1967 30 BOS WS 2.0 .333 .333 .333 .667 .333 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 11.1 44.4 0.20 0.0 -1.1% -0.16
1 Yr 2.0 .333 .333 .333 .667 .333 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 11.1 44.4 0.20 0.0 -1.1% -0.16
MLB Average .227 .283 .368 .651 .246 2.6 16.0 6.9 1.6 37.4 27.6 0.99

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Advanced Batting

Advanced Batting Table
Batting Batting Ratios Win Probability Baserunning
Season Age Team Lg PA rOBA Rbat+ BAbip ISO HR% SO% BB% WPA cWPA RE24 RS% XBT% Pos Awards
1961 24 MIN AL 1 .000 -142 .000 0.0 100.0 0.0 0.0 0.0% -0.24 /1
1962 25 MIN AL 20 .090 -105 .125 .000 0.0 45.0 5.0 -0.2 -0.5% -3.55 50.0 100.0 1
1963 26 MIN AL 60 .147 -44 .132 .019 0.0 23.3 8.3 -0.5 -0.2% -7.79 30.0 75.0 1
1964 27 2TM AL 61 .156 -34 .125 .000 0.0 44.3 13.1 -0.5 -0.1% -6.70 9.1 0.0 1/H
1964 27 MIN AL 31 .171 -19 .083 .000 0.0 45.2 16.1 -0.1 -0.1% -2.19 16.7 0.0 1
1964 27 CLE AL 30 .139 -51 .167 .000 0.0 43.3 10.0 -0.4 0.0% -4.51 0.0 0.0 1/H
1965 28 CLE AL 40 .231 20 .188 .000 0.0 30.0 17.5 -0.2 -0.5% -4.06 36.4 33.3 1
1966 29 2TM AL 58 .092 -92 .133 .000 0.0 37.9 3.4 -0.7 0.2% -8.42 16.7 33.3 1/H
1966 29 CLE AL 5 .225 10 1.000 .000 0.0 60.0 0.0 0.1 0.2% 0.35 0.0 /1
1966 29 BOS AL 53 .082 -100 .103 .000 0.0 35.8 3.8 -0.8 0.0% -8.78 20.0 33.3 1/H
1967 30 BOS AL 59 .105 -91 .083 .020 0.0 23.7 3.4 -0.7 -2.9% -7.63 40.0 50.0 1
1968 31 BOS AL 19 .188 -17 .222 .000 0.0 31.6 10.5 0.0 0.1% -0.91 25.0 100.0 1
1969 32 BOS AL 45 .113 -105 .150 .000 0.0 33.3 4.4 -0.5 -0.2% -8.46 0.0 0.0 1
1970 33 2TM AL 8 .102 -101 .000 .000 0.0 50.0 12.5 -0.1 -0.1% -2.68 0.0 1
1970 33 BOS AL 7 .119 -95 .000 .000 0.0 42.9 14.3 -0.1 -0.1% -2.53 0.0 1
1970 33 CHW AL 1 .000 -136 .000 0.0 100.0 0.0 0.0 0.0% -0.15 1
10 Yrs 371 .136 -61 .131 .007 0.0 33.4 8.1 -3.6 -4.1% -50.44 23.6 40.0 1/H
MLB Average .323 100 .276 .125 2.2 15.2 8.3 29.4 47.5
Advanced Batting Table
Season Age Team Lg PA Pos Awards
1967 30 BOS WS 0 /1
1 Yr 0 /1
MLB Average


Standard Fielding

Standard Fielding Table
Standard Range Factor Baserunners
Season Age Team Lg Pos G GS CG Inn Ch PO A E DP Fld% lgFld% RF/9 lgRF9 RF/G lgRFG SB CS CS% lgCS% Pick
1961 24 MIN AL P 7 0 0 12.1 3 1 2 0 0 1.000 .953 2.19 2.04 0.43 2.01 0 0 0
1962 25 MIN AL P 44 6 1 95.0 23 7 14 2 0 .913 .958 1.99 2.08 0.48 2.07 6 2 25.0 36.3 0
1963 26 MIN AL P 32 20 7 164.2 37 14 22 1 2 .973 .955 1.97 1.99 1.13 2.00 4 2 33.3 32.7 0
1964 27 2TM AL P 37 25 2 171.1 39 10 27 2 2 .949 .957 1.94 1.90 1.00 1.89 9 2 18.2 37.0 0
1964 27 MIN AL P 14 11 2 79.2 20 3 16 1 2 .950 .957 2.15 1.90 1.36 1.89 5 0 0.0 37.0 0
1964 27 CLE AL P 23 14 0 91.2 19 7 11 1 0 .947 .957 1.77 1.90 0.78 1.89 4 2 33.3 37.0 0
1965 28 CLE AL P 41 12 4 132.0 20 5 14 1 0 .950 .951 1.30 2.04 0.46 2.03 8 4 33.3 33.8 0
1966 29 2TM AL P 36 21 9 169.1 33 12 21 0 0 1.000 .952 1.75 1.99 0.92 1.98 11 4 26.7 37.7 0
1966 29 CLE AL P 8 2 1 16.0 3 2 1 0 0 1.000 .953 1.69 1.97 0.38 1.98 1 0 0.0 38.0 0
1966 29 BOS AL P 28 19 8 153.1 30 10 20 0 0 1.000 .952 1.76 1.99 1.07 1.98 10 4 28.6 37.7 0
1967 30 BOS AL P 35 24 6 181.2 31 13 17 1 1 .968 .957 1.49 1.96 0.86 1.96 15 1 6.3 40.9 0
1968 31 BOS AL P 50 2 1 103.0 17 3 12 2 0 .882 .957 1.31 1.89 0.30 1.88 4 1 20.0 36.8 0
1969 32 BOS AL P 41 15 2 137.0 24 12 12 0 2 1.000 .951 1.58 1.88 0.59 1.88 12 1 7.7 35.8 0
1970 33 2TM AL P 36 0 0 49.2 13 4 7 2 0 .846 .952 1.99 1.85 0.31 1.85 2 0 0.0 39.5 0
1970 33 BOS AL P 20 0 0 27.1 7 3 4 0 0 1.000 .951 2.30 1.84 0.35 1.85 2 0 0.0 39.5 0
1970 33 CHW AL P 16 0 0 22.1 6 1 3 2 0 .667 .952 1.61 1.85 0.25 1.85 0 0 0
10 Yrs 359 125 32 1216.0 240 81 148 11 7 .954 .955 1.69 1.96 0.64 1.95 71 17 19.3 36.9 0
Standard Fielding Table
Standard Range Factor Baserunners
Season Age Team Lg Pos G GS CG Inn Ch PO A E DP Fld% RF/9 RF/G SB CS
1967 30 BOS WS P 1 0 0 2.0 1 0 0 1 0 .000 0.00 0.00 0 0
1 Yr 1 0 0 2.0 1 0 0 1 0 .000 0.00 0.00 0 0

Appearances on Leaderboards, Awards, and Honors

Hall of Fame Statistics



  • Salaries may not be complete (especially pre-1985) and may not include some earned bonuses

Frequently Asked Questions

When was Lee Stange born?

Lee Stange was born on October 27, 1936.

Where was Lee Stange born?

Lee Stange was born in Chicago, IL.

How tall was Lee Stange?

Lee Stange was 5-10 (178 cm) tall.

How much did Lee Stange weigh when playing?

Lee Stange weighed 170 lbs (77 kg) when playing.

How many seasons did Lee Stange play?

Lee Stange played 10 seasons.

Is Lee Stange in the Hall of Fame?

Lee Stange has not been elected into the Hall of Fame.

What position did Lee Stange play?

Lee Stange was a Pitcher.

How many strikeouts did Lee Stange have?

Lee Stange had 718 strikeouts over his career.

How many teams has Lee Stange played for?

Lee Stange played for 4 teams; the Minnesota Twins, Cleveland Indians, Boston Red Sox and Chicago White Sox.

When did Lee Stange retire?

Lee Stange last played in 1970.

What are Lee Stange's nicknames?

Stinger is a nickname for Lee Stange.

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