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Team Record in Appearances: 42-21 / in Starts: 4-3

Days of Rest

Run Support in Games Started

  • Total runs in Starts, Avg. is per 27 outs

Inning/Score Appearance Matrix

Multiple inning appearances: 14,    Entered with runners on base: 6

2014 Pitching Game Log

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2014 Pitching Game Log
Rk Gcar Gtm Date Tm Opp Rslt Inngs Dec DR IP H R ER BB SO HR HBP ERA FIP BF Pit Str StL StS GB FB LD PU Unk GSc IR IS SB CS PO AB 2B 3B IBB GDP SF ROE aLI WPA acLI cWPA RE24 Entered Exited
1444Apr 4NYMCINW,4-3GS-6W(1-0)996.041158001.502.97271016623109531063000220001011.380.1891.090.09%1.49 1t start tie 6t 3 out a1
2459Apr 10NYM@ATLW,6-4GS-555.064447204.095.2225986518177720042100210100001.35-0.2601.24-0.14%-1.84 1b start a 1 5b 3 out tie
34614Apr 15NYM@ARIW,9-0GS-5W(2-0)45.020023002.814.57197748149774006400017000000.340.137.290.07%2.25 1b start a 3 5b 3 out a9
44719Apr 21NYMSTLW,2-0GS-7W(3-0)56.240037001.993.932694582677932070000230001001.140.3411.070.19%2.52 1t start tie 7t 12- 2 out a2
54824Apr 26NYMMIAL,6-7GS-645.286616103.493.9126866019913650034000251000001.17-0.1421.35-0.10%-1.90 1t start tie 6t 12- 2 out a1
May Tm Opp Rslt Inngs Dec DR IP H R ER BB SO HR HBP ERA FIP BF Pit Str StL StS GB FB LD PU Unk GSc IR IS SB CS PO AB 2B 3B IBB GDP SF ROE aLI WPA acLI cWPA RE24 Entered Exited
64929May 3NYM@COLL,10-11GS-564.198823215.234.6923663911271171014000200000001.05-0.6181.09-0.39%-5.71 1b start a 3 5b --- 1 out d2
75034May 9NYMPHIL,2-3GS-554.262234015.064.61241016118109742045200191000001.46-0.0661.47-0.04%-0.12 1t start tie 5t 1-- 2 out d1
85137May 12NYM@NYYW,9-77-8W(4-0)21.120002004.894.455221471211001000050001001.550.1121.340.06%0.77 7b -2- 2 out d1 8b 3 out a2
95240May 15NYMNYYL,0-19-GF21.020001004.764.37419142221100000004000100.830.029.720.02%0.42 9t --- 0 out d1 9t end d 1
105342May 17NYM@WSNW,5-29-GFS(1)11.010002004.654.244141015200000000040000001.030.0361.010.02%0.46 9b --- 0 out a3 9b end a 3
115445May 21NYMLADL,3-49-GF31.000000004.544.213862021000000003000000. 9t --- 0 out d2 9t end d 2
125546May 22NYMLADW,5-39-GFS(2)01.000001004.434.1431581202100000003000000.830.060.590.03%0.42 9t --- 0 out a2 9t end a 2
135648May 25(1)NYMARIL,1-29-GFL(4-1)21.011011004.334.146211231221100000041010003.32-0.3302.40-0.14%-0.59 9t --- 0 out tie 9t end d 1
145749May 25(2)NYMARIW,4-29-GFS(3)-11.010001004.234.0741282212000000004000000.900.060.590.02%0.42 9t --- 0 out a2 9t end a 2
155851May 27NYMPITW,4-28-GFS(4)12.010021004.054.129372073422000000070001011.930.1231.290.05%0.83 8t --- 0 out a2 9t end a 2
165953May 29NYM@PHIW,4-19-GFS(5)11.000003003.973.97315107200000000003000000.460.035.400.02%0.45 9b --- 0 out a3 9b end a 3
176054May 30NYM@PHIL,5-614-GF(14)L(4-2)00.021010003.974.03412803032000000030010012.48-0.3742.43-0.22%-2.8214b --- 0 out tie14b end d 1
Jun Tm Opp Rslt Inngs Dec DR IP H R ER BB SO HR HBP ERA FIP BF Pit Str StL StS GB FB LD PU Unk GSc IR IS SB CS PO AB 2B 3B IBB GDP SF ROE aLI WPA acLI cWPA RE24 Entered Exited
186156Jun 1NYM@PHIW,4-311-GF(11)S(6)11.011100104.074.28412940132100000040000001.720.0791.580.04%-0.5511b --- 0 out a211b end a 1
196260Jun 5NYM@CHCL,4-78-GF(8)31.022211004.354.28520154303110000004111000.65-0.095.61-0.05%-1.55 8b --- 0 out d1 8b end d 3
206362Jun 7NYM@SFGL,4-59-GFBL(4-3)10.122211004.684.29515922031000000041010004.39-0.8283.32-0.38%-2.40 9b --- 0 out a1 9b end d 1
216464Jun 10NYMMILW,6-29-GF21.000001004.594.2331594211100000003000000. 9t --- 0 out a4 9t end a 4
226566Jun 12NYMMILL,1-510-1010.200001004.534.1829712010000000020000001.400.067.840.02%0.2210t --- 1 out tie10t 3 out tie
236669Jun 15NYMSDPW,3-18-GFS(7)22.000000004.364.14618113142100000006000000.850.123.440.04%0.83 8t --- 0 out a2 9t end a 2
246772Jun 18NYM@STLW,3-29-9H(1)20.221100014.474.18416941211000000031001002.86-0.0111.390.00%-0.76 9b --- 0 out a2 9b 1-- 2 out a1
256875Jun 21NYM@MIAW,4-09-GF21.000011004.394.1841596120000000003000000. 9b --- 0 out a4 9b end a 4
266980Jun 27NYM@PITL,2-39-1052.020014004.244.0610342158232000010090010003.400.2492.070.09%0.88 9b --- 0 out tie10b 3 out tie
277081Jun 28NYM@PITW,5-39-GFS(8)01.000000004.174.0438620210000000030000001.060.077.580.03%0.44 9b --- 0 out a2 9b end a 2
Jul Tm Opp Rslt Inngs Dec DR IP H R ER BB SO HR HBP ERA FIP BF Pit Str StL StS GB FB LD PU Unk GSc IR IS SB CS PO AB 2B 3B IBB GDP SF ROE aLI WPA acLI cWPA RE24 Entered Exited
287185Jul 2NYM@ATLL,1-38-GF(8)30.100000004.144.041221010000100001000000. 8b 1-- 2 out d2 8b end d 2
297286Jul 4NYMTEXW,6-58-GFW(5-3)11.111010004.054.07618830141102010050000002.130.162.500.02%-0.14 8t 1-3 2 out tie 9t end a 1
307388Jul 6NYMTEXW,8-49-GF11.000001003.984.0231493111000000003000000. 9t --- 0 out a4 9t end a 4
317489Jul 7NYMATLW,4-38-9BS(2)01.131122004.044.038261325042001100061010002.47-0.441.74-0.08%-1.39 8t 1-- 2 out a1 9t 3 out tie
327591Jul 9NYMATLW,4-19-GFS(9)11.020002003.983.955191443121100000050000001.030.026.480.01%0.42 9t --- 0 out a3 9t end a 3
337694Jul 12NYMMIAW,5-49-GFS(10)21.000001003.923.91310851200000000030000001.970.142.940.04%0.42 9t --- 0 out a1 9t end a 1
347796Jul 18NYM@SDPW,5-49-GFS(11)51.010001003.863.874151051210000000040000002.550.1671.240.05%0.41 9b --- 0 out a1 9b end a 1
3578100Jul 22NYM@SEAW,3-19-GFS(12)31.000010003.803.90311631200000000020001001.700.078.580.02%0.44 9b --- 0 out a2 9b end a 2
3679101Jul 23NYM@SEAW,3-29-GFS(13)01.020002003.743.835181346211000000050000003.990.1801.620.04%0.44 9b --- 0 out a1 9b end a 1
3780103Jul 25NYM@MILW,3-29-GFS(14)11.000013003.693.784201444100000000030000004.160.1852.020.05%0.46 9b --- 0 out a1 9b end a 1
3881105Jul 27NYM@MILW,2-09-GFS(15)11.020001003.633.745181213400000000050000002.010.081.820.02%0.46 9b --- 0 out a2 9b end a 2
Aug Tm Opp Rslt Inngs Dec DR IP H R ER BB SO HR HBP ERA FIP BF Pit Str StL StS GB FB LD PU Unk GSc IR IS SB CS PO AB 2B 3B IBB GDP SF ROE aLI WPA acLI cWPA RE24 Entered Exited
3982110Aug 2NYMSFGW,4-29-GFS(16)51.020001003.583.705131041222000000050000001.960.0601.090.02%0.42 9t --- 0 out a2 9t end a 2
4083112Aug 4NYMSFGL,3-49-GFL(5-4)11.021111003.663.716281862221000010051000002.33-0.3301.19-0.10%-0.59 9t --- 0 out tie 9t end d 1
4184115Aug 7NYM@WSNL,3-512-1221.020002003.613.645181371121000000050000003.090.1291.920.05%0.4612b --- 0 out tie12b 3 out tie
4285116Aug 8NYM@PHIW,5-49-GFS(17)01.021101003.683.61510821132002200051000004.140.0771.300.02%-1.59 9b 12- 0 out a4 9b end a 1
4386118Aug 10NYM@PHIL,6-79-GFBL(5-5)10.232211003.893.626261634222000010051010003.43-0.8181.80-0.26%-1.96 9b --- 0 out a1 9b end d 1
4487122Aug 14NYMWSNL,1-49-GF31.000001003.843.593984020000000003000000. 9t --- 0 out d3 9t end d 3
4588123Aug 15NYMCHCW,3-29-GFS(18)01.000001003.793.553201432110000000030000001.970.142.400.02%0.42 9t --- 0 out a1 9t end a 1
4689125Aug 17NYMCHCL,1-29-GFL(5-6)11.021101103.863.6951192131100000005000000.87-0.330.22-0.05%-0.59 9t --- 0 out tie 9t end d 1
4790126Aug 18NYMCHCL,1-49-GF01.022200104.043.85518133123000000005000000.45-0.111.07-0.01%-1.59 9t --- 0 out d1 9t end d 3
4891130Aug 23NYM@LADL,4-78-GF(8)41.000000003.993.84314103321010000003000000. 8b --- 0 out d3 8b end d 3
4992132Aug 26NYMATLW,3-29-GFS(19)21.010001003.943.81310723111000000030001002.900.142.140.00%0.42 9t --- 0 out a1 9t end a 1
5093135Aug 29NYMPHIW,4-19-GFS(20)21.000003003.893.72421137210000000004000001.500.026.000.00%0.42 9t --- 0 out a3 9t end a 3
5194137Aug 31NYMPHIW,6-59-GFS(21)11.021100013.953.755161030311000000040001002.510.060.020.00%-0.59 9t --- 0 out a2 9t end a 1
Sept Tm Opp Rslt Inngs Dec DR IP H R ER BB SO HR HBP ERA FIP BF Pit Str StL StS GB FB LD PU Unk GSc IR IS SB CS PO AB 2B 3B IBB GDP SF ROE aLI WPA acLI cWPA RE24 Entered Exited
5295139Sep 2NYM@MIAW,8-69-GFS(22)11.000002003.903.70314924100000000030000001. 9b --- 0 out a2 9b end a 2
5396140Sep 3NYM@MIAW,4-39-GFS(23)01.000011003.863.70311721100000000020001003.450.180.040.00%0.44 9b --- 0 out a1 9b end a 1
5497143Sep 7NYM@CINW,4-39-GFS(24)31.042211104.023.868251735154100000071000004.580.034.050.00%-1.56 9b --- 0 out a3 9b end a 1
5598145Sep 9NYMCOLW,2-09-9H(2)10.120011004.013.874181023200000000030000002.76- 9t --- 0 out a2 9t 123 1 out a2
5699146Sep 10NYMCOLW,2-09-GFS(25)01.000001003.963.84313103111010000003000000.830.060.050.00%0.42 9t --- 0 out a2 9t end a 2
57100148Sep 12NYMWSNW,4-39-GFS(26)11.010012003.923.825241443021000010040010004. 9t --- 0 out a1 9t end a 1
58101151Sep 15NYMMIAL,5-68-GF21.110001003.863.795181211221002100050000001.33- 8t 1-3 2 out tie 9t end d 1
59102153Sep 17NYMMIAL,3-49-GF11.010010003.813.81523154131100000004000000.550.029.000.00%0.42 9t --- 0 out d1 9t end d 1
60103155Sep 20NYM@ATLW,4-29-GFS(27)21.010000003.773.804161230310000000040000001.610.076.000.00%0.43 9b --- 0 out a2 9b end a 2
61104158Sep 25(1)NYM@WSNW,7-49-GFS(28)41.010012003.733.795211462110000000040000001.560.036.000.00%0.46 9b --- 0 out a3 9b end a 3
62105161Sep 27NYMHOUW,2-19-GFW(6-6)11.000001003.693.7631172211000000003000000.400.029.000.00%0.42 9t --- 0 out d1 9t end d 1
63106162Sep 28NYMHOUW,8-39-GF01.000001003.653.7331172211000000003000000. 9t --- 0 out a5 9t end a 5

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