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Team Record in Appearances: 23-27

Days of Rest

Inning/Score Appearance Matrix

Multiple inning appearances: 0,    Entered with runners on base: 2

2010 Pitching Game Log

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2010 Pitching Game Log
Rk Gcar Gtm Date Tm Opp Rslt Inngs Dec DR IP H R ER BB SO HR HBP ERA FIP BF Pit Str StL StS GB FB LD PU Unk GSc IR IS SB CS PO AB 2B 3B IBB GDP SF ROE aLI WPA acLI cWPA RE24 Entered Exited
19862Apr 6MILCOLW,7-59-GFS(1)991.021101009.001.085151161131000000050100001.040.032.890.02%-0.51 9t --- 0 out a3 9t end a 2
29873Apr 7MILCOLW,5-49-GFS(2)01.000001004.501.08311711020000000030000002.110.1591.850.08%0.49 9t --- 0 out a1 9t end a 1
39884Apr 9MILSTLL,4-59-GFBL(0-1)11.022210109.007.086201222141000000051000002.57-0.6452.83-0.43%-1.51 9t --- 0 out a1 9t end d 1
49896Apr 11MILSTLW,8-79-GFBW(1-1)11.0333002013.5012.58625144206120000006100000.87-0.333.85-0.20%-2.51 9t --- 0 out a3 9t end tie
59909Apr 15MIL@CHCW,8-69-GFS(3)31.0211010012.6010.28529195113000000005200000.990.042.900.02%-0.49 9b --- 0 out a3 9b end a 2
699115Apr 22MIL@PITW,20-09-GF61.0000000010.509.0831184003000000003000000. 9b --- 0 out a20 9b end a20
799218Apr 25MILCHCL,2-129-GF21.010000009.008.22418122004120000004000000. 9t --- 0 out d10 9t end d10
899320Apr 27MILPITL,3-79-GFBL(1-2)11.0455112013.5010.958241451153000000071010002.51-0.8232.50-0.49%-4.51 9t --- 0 out a1 9t end d 4
999421Apr 28MILPITL,5-69-9BS(4)01.0111111013.0011.635231341121100000040000002.11-0.2061.95-0.11%-0.51 9t --- 0 out a1 9t 3 out tie
May Tm Opp Rslt Inngs Dec DR IP H R ER BB SO HR HBP ERA FIP BF Pit Str StL StS GB FB LD PU Unk GSc IR IS SB CS PO AB 2B 3B IBB GDP SF ROE aLI WPA acLI cWPA RE24 Entered Exited
1099524May 1MIL@SDPW,2-19-GFS(4)21.0000010011.7010.58311931020000000030000002.470.1811.700.07%0.44 9b --- 0 out a1 9b end a 1
1199629May 7MIL@ARIW,3-29-GFS(5)51.0000100010.6410.17312731110000000020001003.630.2043.030.10%0.51 9b --- 0 out a1 9b end a 1
1299734May 12MILATLL,2-99-GF41.0233210012.009.91732165304210000005200000.08-0.013.07-0.01%-2.51 9t --- 0 out d4 9t end d 7
1399837May 16MILPHIL,2-49-GF31.0000010011.089.233763111000000003000000. 9t --- 0 out d2 9t end d 2
1499939May 18MIL@CINL,4-59-GFBL(1-3)10.0433101013.1510.46514830043000000041000002.67-0.9101.62-0.33%-3.99 9b --- 0 out a2 9b end d 1
15100044May 23MIL@MINW,4-38-8H(1)41.0000010012.219.79310931110100000030000001.140.086.420.02%0.49 8b --- 0 out a2 8b 3 out a2
16100146May 26MILHOUL,0-57-721.0100100011.409.5551671113110000004000000. 7t --- 0 out d5 7t 3 out d5
17100250May 30MILNYML,4-108-831.0000000010.699.1431594021000000003000000.360.027.180.01%0.49 8t --- 0 out d2 8t 3 out d2
Jun Tm Opp Rslt Inngs Dec DR IP H R ER BB SO HR HBP ERA FIP BF Pit Str StL StS GB FB LD PU Unk GSc IR IS SB CS PO AB 2B 3B IBB GDP SF ROE aLI WPA acLI cWPA RE24 Entered Exited
18100352Jun 1MIL@FLAL,4-67-7L(1-4)11.0333210011.659.027261223131000000042000002.09-0.343.80-0.08%-2.50 7b --- 0 out tie 7b 3 out d3
19100454Jun 3MIL@FLAL,2-38-GF(8)11.0100020011.008.47414103202110001004000000.320.014.130.00%0.50 8b --- 0 out d2 8b end d 2
20100559Jun 9MILCHCL,4-98-851.0000010010.428.0831072311010000003000000. 8t --- 0 out d4 8t 3 out d4
21100662Jun 12MILTEXL,3-49-GF21.020010009.907.9861471023010000004001000. 9t --- 0 out d3 9t end d 3
22100766Jun 16MIL@LAAL,1-58-GF(8)31.000000009.437.7531492121100000003000000. 8b --- 0 out d4 8b end d 4
23100869Jun 20MIL@COLW,6-18-8W(2-4)31.000001009.007.44312832111000000030000001.450.114.400.02%0.56 8b --- 0 out tie 8b 3 out tie
24100973Jun 25MILSEAW,8-39-GF41.000002008.617.08312103110000000003000000. 9t --- 0 out a5 9t end a 5
25101074Jun 26MILSEAL,4-59-GF01.000000008.256.913761003010000003000000.490.037.230.01%0.49 9t --- 0 out d1 9t end d 1
Jul Tm Opp Rslt Inngs Dec DR IP H R ER BB SO HR HBP ERA FIP BF Pit Str StL StS GB FB LD PU Unk GSc IR IS SB CS PO AB 2B 3B IBB GDP SF ROE aLI WPA acLI cWPA RE24 Entered Exited
26101180Jul 2MIL@STLL,0-58-GF(8)51.021100008.286.76519114014220000005100000.06- 8b --- 0 out d4 8b end d 5
27101285Jul 7MILSFGL,2-158-841.010010007.966.7351892022110000004000000. 8t --- 0 out d14 8t 3 out d14
28101386Jul 8MILSFGL,3-99-GF01.032211108.337.12724123023110000006000000.03- 9t --- 0 out d4 9t end d 6
29101491Jul 16MIL@ATLW,9-39-GF71.000001008.046.9031193111000000003000000. 9b --- 0 out a6 9b end a 6
30101593Jul 18MIL@ATLL,6-118-GF(8)11.010000007.766.773763012000000003000100. 8b --- 0 out d7 8b end d 7
31101695Jul 20MIL@PITL,9-118-GF(8)11.010002007.506.51417135202110000004000000. 8b --- 0 out d2 8b end d 2
32101799Jul 24MILWSNW,4-38-8H(2)31.000002007.266.27311833011000000030000001.580.119.340.02%0.49 8t --- 0 out a1 8t 3 out a1
331018100Jul 25MILWSNW,8-39-GF01.010002007.036.05417113202200000004000000. 9t --- 0 out a5 9t end a 5
341019102Jul 27MILCINL,4-128-811.000000006.825.963662021000000003000000. 8t --- 0 out d8 8t 3 out d8
Aug Tm Opp Rslt Inngs Dec DR IP H R ER BB SO HR HBP ERA FIP BF Pit Str StL StS GB FB LD PU Unk GSc IR IS SB CS PO AB 2B 3B IBB GDP SF ROE aLI WPA acLI cWPA RE24 Entered Exited
351020107Aug 2MIL@CHCW,18-18-851.010000006.625.8741084013100000004100000. 8b --- 0 out a15 8b 3 out a15
361021110Aug 6MILHOUW,6-58-831.010000006.435.79418122013100000004000000.390.027.030.00%0.49 8t --- 0 out d2 8t 3 out d2
371022111Aug 7MILHOUW,5-29-GFS(6)01.000000006.255.723873121100000003000000.420.032.030.00%0.49 9t --- 0 out a3 9t end a 3
381023113Aug 9MILARIL,4-710-GF(10)L(2-5)11.033321006.815.758372165321100000061010002.89-0.461.30-0.03%-2.5110t --- 0 out tie10t end d 3
391024115Aug 11MILARIL,2-88-811.000011006.635.7141272211000000003000000. 8t --- 0 out d6 8t 3 out d6
401025119Aug 15MIL@COLL,5-69-GFL(2-6)30.221111006.755.695171012300000000041000003.14-0.351.09-0.01%-0.91 9b --- 0 out tie 9b end d 1
411026121Aug 18MIL@STLW,3-29-GFS(7)20.100001006.695.62133010000030000100000010.780.266.450.01%0.75 9b 123 2 out a1 9b end a 1
421027124Aug 22MILSDPL,3-79-GF31.000001006.535.503971011000000003000000. 9t --- 0 out d5 9t end d 5
431028126Aug 25MILLADL,4-59-GF21.000010006.375.5241793003200000003000000.770.037.010.00%0.49 9t --- 0 out d1 9t end d 1
441029129Aug 28MILPITW,8-710-1021.000000006.215.46313822120100000030000001.790.135.020.00%0.4910t --- 0 out tie10t 3 out tie
451030130Aug 29MILPITW,8-49-GFS(8)00.200000006.125.4221061120000200002000000.720.033.010.00%0.90 9t 12- 1 out a4 9t end a 4
461031131Aug 30MIL@CINL,4-510-GF(10)L(2-7)00.221110006.235.465171030310100000040000003.01-0.363.050.00%-0.9410b --- 0 out tie10b end d 1
Sept Tm Opp Rslt Inngs Dec DR IP H R ER BB SO HR HBP ERA FIP BF Pit Str StL StS GB FB LD PU Unk GSc IR IS SB CS PO AB 2B 3B IBB GDP SF ROE aLI WPA acLI cWPA RE24 Entered Exited
471032138Sep 7MILSTLW,4-29-GFS(9)71.010000006.095.40314941211000000030001001.590.072.000.00%0.49 9t --- 0 out a2 9t end a 2
481033153Sep 24MILFLAW,6-29-GF161.011100006.155.35414103313100000003010010. 9t --- 0 out a5 9t end a 4
491034155Sep 26MILFLAW,7-19-GF11.010001006.025.263972120000000003000100. 9t --- 0 out a6 9t end a 6
501035158Sep 29(2)MIL@NYMW,3-19-GFS(10)21.000000005.895.21313930120000000030000001. 9b --- 0 out a2 9b end a 2