Liván Hernández
Bats: Right
Throws: Right
6-2, 245lb (188cm, 111kg)
February 20, 1975
in Villa Clara, Cuba
High School: Villa Clara (Villa Clara, Cuba)
September 24, 1996
(Age 21-217d,
17,002nd in major league history)
vs. ATL 3.0 IP, 3 H, 2 SO, 2 BB, 0 ER
Last Game:
September 29, 2012
(Age 37-222d)
vs. HOU 0.2 IP, 5 H, 0 SO, 0 BB, 5 ER
Rookie Status:
Exceeded rookie limits during 1997 season
Agents: Greg Genske, Juan Iglesias • Previously: Joe Cubas
Full Name: Eisler Liván Hernández
Pronunciation: \lee-VAHN her-NAN-dez\
View Player Info
from the B-R Bullpen
Relatives: Brother of Orlando Hernández
1997 Fielding Game Log (as P)