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Standard Pitching

Show Non‑Major
Standard Pitching Table
2012 22 ARI NL 0.5 6 8 .429 4.54 22 17 3 0 0 1 107.0 117 56 54 14 25 2 86 4 0 1 454 90 4.00 1.327 9.8 1.2 2.1 7.2 3.44
2013 23 ARI NL 3.0 14 8 .636 3.41 32 32 0 3 0 0 208.1 189 81 79 19 54 1 178 9 0 13 860 113 3.43 1.166 8.2 0.8 2.3 7.7 3.30 AS
2014 Did not play - Injury
2015 25 ARI NL 1.4 6 5 .545 3.60 16 16 0 0 0 0 85.0 91 34 34 9 17 0 78 2 0 4 357 115 3.35 1.271 9.6 1.0 1.8 8.3 4.59
2016 26 ARI NL -0.7 5 13 .278 5.15 36 24 6 0 0 1 155.2 177 109 89 24 66 2 131 5 0 9 701 87 4.84 1.561 10.2 1.4 3.8 7.6 1.98
2017 27 ARI NL 2.6 14 13 .519 4.03 33 32 0 0 0 0 189.2 208 97 85 26 61 8 178 3 0 10 826 116 4.08 1.418 9.9 1.2 2.9 8.4 2.92
2018 28 ARI NL 4.4 11 7 .611 3.15 33 33 0 1 1 0 200.0 162 70 70 15 48 3 246 5 0 8 800 133 2.47 1.050 7.3 0.7 2.2 11.1 5.13 AS,CYA-5
2019 29 WSN NL 5.0 14 7 .667 3.25 33 33 0 1 1 0 202.0 169 81 73 24 70 2 238 3 0 4 835 138 3.49 1.183 7.5 1.1 3.1 10.6 3.40 CYA-11
2020 30 WSN NL 1.7 2 7 .222 4.66 11 11 0 0 0 0 65.2 85 35 34 10 18 1 60 0 1 1 295 96 4.17 1.569 11.6 1.4 2.5 8.2 3.33
2021 31 WSN NL -1.2 9 16 .360 5.82 31 31 0 0 0 0 171.2 192 114 111 37 60 2 143 3 0 0 751 70 5.41 1.468 10.1 1.9 3.1 7.5 2.38
2022 32 WSN NL -2.3 6 19 .240 6.31 31 31 0 1 0 0 152.2 210 119 107 27 49 1 128 7 0 2 713 62 4.83 1.697 12.4 1.6 2.9 7.5 2.61
2023 33 WSN NL 0.4 10 15 .400 5.20 32 32 0 0 0 0 180.0 210 113 104 33 57 0 124 4 0 6 790 82 5.28 1.483 10.5 1.7 2.9 6.2 2.18
2024 34 WSN NL -0.9 6 13 .316 5.62 32 32 0 0 0 0 174.2 208 114 109 25 54 1 139 3 0 3 764 72 4.41 1.500 10.7 1.3 2.8 7.2 2.57
12 Yrs 13.8 103 131 .440 4.51 342 324 9 6 2 2 1892.1 2018 1023 949 263 579 23 1729 48 1 61 8146 93 4.13 1.372 9.6 1.3 2.8 8.2 2.99
162 Game Avg 1.4 11 13 .440 4.51 35 33 1 1 0 0 193 206 104 97 27 59 2 177 5 0 6 832 93 4.13 1.372 9.6 1.3 2.8 8.2 2.99
ARI (6 Yrs) 11.1 56 54 .509 3.91 172 154 9 4 1 2 945.2 944 447 411 107 271 16 897 28 0 45 3998 109 3.65 1.285 9.0 1.0 2.6 8.5 3.31
WSN (6 Yrs) 2.7 47 77 .379 5.11 170 170 0 2 1 0 946.2 1074 576 538 156 308 7 832 20 1 16 4148 82 4.61 1.460 10.2 1.5 2.9 7.9 2.70
Standard Pitching Table
2019 29 WSN NL,WS 2 3 .400 5.79 8 3 0 0 0 0 23.1 21 16 15 2 12 1 36 1 0 0 103 2.91 1.414 8.1 0.8 4.6 13.9 3.00
1 Yr 2 3 .400 5.79 8 3 0 0 0 0 23.1 21 16 15 2 12 1 36 1 0 0 103 2.91 1.414 8.1 0.8 4.6 13.9 3.00
162 Game Avg 12 19 .400 5.79 49 19 0 0 0 0 143 130 99 93 12 74 6 223 6 0 0 637 2.91 1.414 8.1 0.8 4.6 13.9 3.00
NL (1 Yr) 1 2 .333 7.43 5 2 0 0 0 0 13.1 11 12 11 1 10 1 26 1 0 0 63 2.76 1.575 7.4 0.7 6.8 17.6 2.60
WS (1 Yr) 1 1 .500 3.60 3 1 0 0 0 0 10.0 10 4 4 1 2 0 10 0 0 0 40 3.11 1.200 9.0 0.9 1.8 9.0 5.00

Value Pitching

Value Pitching Table
Season Age Team Lg IP G GS R RA9 RA9opp RA9def RA9role RA9extras PPFp RA9avg RAA WAA gmLI WAAadj WAR RAR waaWL% 162WL% Awards
2012 22 ARI NL 107.0 22 17 56 4.71 4.36 0.10 0.11 103 4.49 -3 -0.4 0.66 -0.1 0.5 6 .483 .498
2013 23 ARI NL 208.1 32 32 81 3.50 4.05 0.33 0.15 104 4.02 12 1.3 -0.2 3.0 29 .542 .508 AS
2014 Did not play - Injury
2015 25 ARI NL 85.0 16 16 34 3.60 4.16 0.32 0.16 106 4.23 6 0.7 -0.1 1.4 13 .541 .504
2016 26 ARI NL 155.2 36 24 109 6.30 4.54 -0.14 0.11 106 5.09 -21 -1.9 1.09 -0.2 -0.7 -7 .448 .488
2017 27 ARI NL 189.2 33 32 97 4.60 4.62 0.15 0.19 108 5.03 9 1.0 0.85 -0.1 2.6 26 .531 .506
2018 28 ARI NL 200.0 33 33 70 3.15 4.39 0.64 0.19 105 4.13 22 2.8 -0.2 4.4 39 .584 .517 AS,CYA-5
2019 29 WSN NL 202.0 33 33 81 3.61 4.71 0.12 0.21 101 4.86 28 3.3 -0.1 5.0 47 .601 .520 CYA-11
2020 30 WSN NL 65.2 11 11 35 4.80 5.20 -0.86 0.25 0.00 100 6.29 11 1.1 -0.1 1.7 18 .603 .507
2021 31 WSN NL 171.2 31 31 114 5.98 4.53 0.11 0.21 0.00 97 4.48 -28 -2.7 -0.1 -1.2 -12 .414 .484
2022 32 WSN NL 152.2 31 31 119 7.02 4.38 -0.30 0.20 0.00 97 4.75 -39 -3.6 -0.1 -2.3 -25 .383 .478
2023 33 WSN NL 180.0 32 32 113 5.65 4.75 -0.20 0.22 0.00 97 5.02 -13 -1.2 -0.1 0.4 5 .463 .493
2024 34 WSN NL 174.2 32 32 114 5.87 4.49 -0.10 0.21 0.00 97 4.66 -24 -2.4 -0.1 -0.9 -7 .426 .485
12 Yrs 1892.1 342 324 1023 4.87 4.49 0.07 0.19 0.00 102 4.68 -39 -1.8 0.96 -1.5 13.8 131 .495 .498
162 Game Avg 193 35 33 104 4.87 4.49 0.07 0.19 0.00 102 4.68 -4 -0.2 0.96 -0.2 1.4 13 .495 .498
ARI (6 Yrs) 945.2 172 154 447 4.25 4.36 0.25 0.16 105 4.49 25 3.6 0.96 -0.8 11.1 106 .521 .504
WSN (6 Yrs) 946.2 170 170 576 5.48 4.62 -0.12 0.21 0.00 98 4.87 -64 -5.4 -0.8 2.7 26 .468 .493

Advanced Pitching

Advanced Pitching Table
Batting Against Pitching Ratios Batted Ball Win Probability
Season Age Team Lg IP BA OBP SLG OPS BAbip HR% K% BB% EV HardH% LD% GB% FB% GB/FB WPA cWPA RE24 Awards
2012 22 ARI NL 107.0 .280 .323 .459 .782 .319 3.1 18.9 5.5 22.7 44.5 26.0 0.82 -0.9 0.1% -4.24
2013 23 ARI NL 208.1 .240 .296 .376 .671 .287 2.2 20.7 6.3 25.4 45.9 20.7 0.89 1.8 2.4% 12.51 AS
2014 Did not play - Injury
2015 25 ARI NL 85.0 .272 .310 .433 .743 .329 2.5 21.8 4.8 90.9 47.1 31.9 45.8 16.2 0.88 -0.1 -0.1% 5.91
2016 26 ARI NL 155.2 .286 .357 .468 .825 .326 3.4 18.7 9.4 90.4 42.4 25.7 53.1 15.4 1.18 -2.3 -0.3% -21.74
2017 27 ARI NL 189.2 .276 .331 .461 .792 .329 3.1 21.5 7.4 88.4 39.9 23.6 50.9 18.7 1.06 0.7 0.1% 3.83
2018 28 ARI NL 200.0 .218 .270 .337 .607 .304 1.9 30.8 6.0 88.6 37.8 26.7 48.5 20.6 0.96 2.8 3.2% 27.70 AS,CYA-5
2019 29 WSN NL 202.0 .227 .293 .375 .668 .295 2.9 28.5 8.4 90.4 43.0 23.5 48.7 21.9 0.99 2.6 1.8% 26.07 CYA-11
2020 30 WSN NL 65.2 .308 .349 .489 .838 .362 3.4 20.3 6.1 90.3 44.2 28.1 45.2 18.9 0.84 0.0 0.2% 0.96
2021 31 WSN NL 171.2 .286 .345 .510 .855 .312 4.9 19.0 8.0 87.9 41.2 24.1 46.0 23.9 0.89 -2.5 -1.0% -27.83
2022 32 WSN NL 152.2 .321 .374 .513 .887 .365 3.8 18.0 6.9 90.4 45.2 25.9 44.6 24.0 0.82 -2.9 -0.5% -44.43
2023 33 WSN NL 180.0 .293 .344 .481 .826 .311 4.2 15.7 7.2 89.9 44.1 24.5 43.6 25.3 0.80 -1.4 -0.3% -15.95
2024 34 WSN NL 174.2 .298 .348 .486 .834 .338 3.3 18.2 7.1 89.9 46.9 27.8 45.6 20.6 0.86 -2.2 -0.6% -26.22
12 Yrs 1892.1 .272 .327 .445 .771 .320 3.2 21.2 7.1 89.6 43.0 25.5 47.0 21.2 0.92 -4.4 4.9% -63.43
MLB Average .250 .318 .411 .729 .296 3.0 21.8 8.3 88.4 38.8 24.1 43.4 24.0 0.79
Advanced Pitching Table
Batting Against Pitching Ratios Batted Ball Win Probability
Season Age Team Lg IP BA OBP SLG OPS BAbip HR% K% BB% LD% GB% FB% GB/FB WPA cWPA RE24 Awards
2019 29 WSN NL,WS 23.1 .233 .330 .333 .663 .365 1.9 35.0 11.7 27.8 55.6 11.1 1.30 -0.1 19.4% -1.76
1 Yr 23.1 .233 .330 .333 .663 .365 1.9 35.0 11.7 27.8 55.6 11.1 1.30 -0.1 19.4% -1.76
MLB Average .238 .316 .409 .725 .301 3.4 26.1 9.2 26.3 37.9 25.2 0.62
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Advanced Batting

Advanced Batting Table
Batting Batting Ratios Batted Ball Win Probability Baserunning
Season Age Team Lg PA rOBA Rbat+ BAbip ISO HR% SO% BB% EV HardH% LD% GB% FB% GB/FB Pull% Cent% Oppo% WPA cWPA RE24 RS% SB% XBT% Pos Awards
2012 22 ARI NL 43 .159 -50 .211 .056 0.0 39.5 2.3 12.0 40.0 20.0 1.25 12.0 68.0 20.0 -0.5 -0.3% -4.79 60.0 25.0 1
2013 23 ARI NL 73 .186 -15 .190 .062 0.0 31.5 2.7 25.5 44.7 14.9 1.05 19.1 59.6 21.3 -0.6 -0.5% -7.76 72.7 0.0 1/H AS
2014 Did not play - Injury
2015 25 ARI NL 29 .171 -25 .214 .000 0.0 37.9 10.3 85.9 44.4 13.3 66.7 0.0 3.33 33.3 46.7 20.0 -0.4 -0.1% -3.59 16.7 0.0 1
2016 26 ARI NL 53 .301 75 .429 .102 0.0 26.4 1.9 81.6 17.9 23.7 55.3 7.9 1.75 16.2 56.8 27.0 -0.4 -0.1% -3.83 43.8 0.0 22.2 1/H
2017 27 ARI NL 70 .188 -29 .250 .036 0.0 40.0 8.6 76.6 26.3 8.3 55.6 8.3 3.33 19.4 63.9 16.7 -0.9 -0.6% -10.15 46.2 14.3 1/H
2018 28 ARI NL 67 .197 -8 .333 .016 0.0 37.3 3.0 79.9 13.3 20.0 57.5 0.0 2.56 22.5 62.5 15.0 -0.9 -1.0% -8.64 7.1 0.0 1 AS,CYA-5
2019 29 WSN NL 72 .127 -60 .158 .015 0.0 37.5 4.2 81.6 17.9 16.7 64.3 2.4 3.00 14.3 59.5 26.2 -0.8 -0.6% -10.40 33.3 16.7 1 CYA-11
2021 31 WSN NL 63 .146 -40 .241 .000 0.0 38.1 4.8 73.0 19.4 11.1 55.6 8.3 2.86 2.8 69.4 27.8 -0.8 -0.3% -10.01 10.0 0.0 1
8 Yrs 470 .183 -20 .257 .037 0.0 36.0 4.5 78.8 20.0 17.2 54.5 7.9 2.05 16.5 61.5 21.9 -5.3 -3.4% -59.16 35.7 0.0 12.5 1/H
MLB Average .323 100 .296 .161 3.0 21.8 8.3 88.4 38.8 24.1 43.4 24.0 0.79 28.8 53.0 18.3 30.5 74.5 40.7
Advanced Batting Table
Batting Batting Ratios Win Probability
Season Age Team Lg PA BAbip ISO HR% SO% BB% WPA cWPA RE24 Pos Awards
2019 29 WSN NL,WS 5 .000 .000 0.0 60.0 0.0 -0.1 -2.3% -1.25 /1
1 Yr 5 .000 .000 0.0 60.0 0.0 -0.1 -2.3% -1.25 /1
MLB Average .285 .165 3.4 26.1 9.2


Standard Fielding

Standard Fielding Table
Standard DRS Range Factor Baserunners
Season Age Team Lg Pos G GS CG Inn Ch PO A E DP Fld% lgFld% Rdrs Rdrs/yr RF/9 lgRF9 RF/G lgRFG SB CS CS% lgCS% Pick
2012 22 ARI NL P 22 17 0 107.0 20 3 17 0 2 1.000 .950 4 7 1.68 1.77 0.91 1.75 5 2 28.6 26.6 2
2013 23 ARI NL P 32 32 3 208.1 52 10 40 2 2 .962 .964 8 8 2.16 1.76 1.56 1.76 2 6 75.0 28.5 4
2014 Did not play - Injury
2015 25 ARI NL P 16 16 0 85.0 21 2 18 1 2 .952 .954 4 9 2.12 1.69 1.25 1.68 1 0 0.0 28.0 0
2016 26 ARI NL P 36 24 0 155.2 21 3 17 1 0 .952 .948 -1 -1 1.16 1.59 0.56 1.58 2 4 66.7 27.3 2
2017 27 ARI NL P 33 32 0 189.2 46 12 34 0 1 1.000 .959 4 4 2.18 1.67 1.39 1.65 6 5 45.5 27.5 3
2018 28 ARI NL P 33 33 1 200.0 37 10 27 0 2 1.000 .952 4 4 1.67 1.56 1.12 1.55 10 2 16.7 27.8 0
2019 29 WSN NL P 33 33 1 202.0 42 12 30 0 0 1.000 .950 3 3 1.87 1.59 1.27 1.58 11 6 35.3 26.2 4
2020 30 WSN NL P 11 11 0 65.2 10 1 8 1 1 .900 .943 -2 -6 1.23 1.45 0.82 1.38 4 2 33.3 24.2 2
2021 31 WSN NL P 31 31 0 171.2 38 9 29 0 1 1.000 .957 1 1 1.99 1.49 1.23 1.45 13 5 27.8 25.3 3
2022 32 WSN NL P 31 31 1 152.2 26 9 17 0 0 1.000 .957 -1 -1 1.53 1.36 0.84 1.34 14 5 26.3 24.1 3
2023 33 WSN NL P 32 32 0 180.0 49 11 36 2 3 .959 .951 3 3 2.35 1.37 1.47 1.34 28 10 26.3 19.1 7
2024 34 WSN NL P 32 32 0 174.2 25 3 22 0 1 1.000 .948 1 1 1.29 1.36 0.78 1.34 24 9 27.3 20.3 3
12 Yrs 342 324 6 1892.1 387 85 295 7 15 .982 .954 28 3 1.81 1.55 1.11 1.53 120 56 31.8 23.5 33
Standard Fielding Table
Standard Range Factor Baserunners
Season Age Team Lg Pos G GS CG Inn Ch PO A E DP Fld% RF/9 RF/G SB CS CS%
2019 29 1TM 2LG P 8 3 0 23.1 3 0 3 0 0 1.000 1.16 0.38 1 0 0.0
2019 29 WSN NL,WS P 8 3 0 23.1 3 0 3 0 0 1.000 1.16 0.38 1 0 0.0
1 Yr 8 3 0 23.1 3 0 3 0 0 1.000 1.16 0.38 1 0 0.0

Appearances on Leaderboards, Awards, and Honors

Hall of Fame Statistics



  • Salaries may not be complete (especially pre-1985) and may not include some earned bonuses

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Frequently Asked Questions

How old is Patrick Corbin?

Patrick Corbin is 35 years old.

When was Patrick Corbin born?

Patrick Corbin was born on July 19, 1989.

Where was Patrick Corbin born?

Patrick Corbin was born in Clay, NY.

How tall is Patrick Corbin?

Patrick Corbin is 6-4 (193 cm) tall.

How much does Patrick Corbin weigh?

Patrick Corbin weighs 225 lbs (102 kg).

How many seasons has Patrick Corbin played?

Patrick Corbin has played 12 seasons.

When was Patrick Corbin drafted?

Patrick Corbin was drafted by the Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim in the 2nd round of the 2009 MLB June Amateur Draft from Chipola College (Marianna, FL).

What position does Patrick Corbin play?

Patrick Corbin is a Pitcher.

How many strikeouts does Patrick Corbin have?

Patrick Corbin had 139 strikeouts last season and has 1,729 strikeouts over his career.

How many teams has Patrick Corbin played for?

Patrick Corbin has played for 2 teams; the Arizona Diamondbacks and Washington Nationals.

How many World Series has Patrick Corbin won?

Patrick Corbin has won 1 World Series.

What is Patrick Corbin's Twitter account?

Patrick Corbin is on Twitter at PatrickCorbin46.

What is Patrick Corbin's Instagram account?

Patrick Corbin is on Instagram at patrickcorbin46.

What are Patrick Corbin's nicknames?

Corby is a nickname for Patrick Corbin.

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