Chicago White Sox 31st Round Picks in the MLB June Amateur Draft

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Chicago White Sox 31st Round Picks in the MLB June Amateur Draft

Other Rounds: 30th round / 31st round / 32nd round

Drafted Players

  • Links to minor league stats are incomplete and may not indicate a player signing
Drafted Players Table
Year Rnd DT OvPck RdPck Signed Bonus Name Pos WAR G AB HR BA OPS G W L ERA WHIP SV Type Drafted Out of
2019319203Y$2,500Connor Reich (minors)P4YrTexas State University (San Marcos, TX)
2018319184Y$5,000Austin Conway (minors)RHP4YrUniversity of Louisville (Louisville, KY)
20173192712YParker Rigler (minors)LHP4YrKansas State University (Manhattan, KS)
20163192610NBrandon Bossard (minors)SSHSNazareth Academy (La Grange Park, IL)
2015319227YDavid Walker (minors)2B4YrGrand Canyon University (Phoenix, AZ)
2014319183YJosh Goossen-Brown (minors)RHP4YrUniversity of San Diego (San Diego, CA)
20133193317YSean Hagan (minors)LHP4YrSt. John's University (Queens, NY)
20123195113YCorey Thompson (minors)3B4YrEast Carolina University (Greenville, NC)
20113195120YMichael Johnson (minors)SS4YrSamford University (Homewood, AL)
20103193813YRobert Young (minors)LHP4YrDartmouth College (Hanover, NH)
20093194322YRyan Hamme (minors)CF4YrCampbell University (Buies Creek, NC)
2008319308NJames McCann (minors)C8.1917304292.241.67320092.000HSDos Pueblos HS (Goleta, CA)
20073195824NEddie Orozco (minors)RHPHSRubidoux HS (Riverside, CA)
20063194529YStefan Gartrell (minors)OF4YrUniversity of San Francisco (San Francisco, CA)
20053193515NLucas Luetge (minors)LHP2.070023012113.61.375HSBellville HS (Bellville, TX)
20043192918YNick Walters (minors)LHPHSMountain Ridge HS (Glendale, AZ)
20033192215NRobert Grinestaff (minors)CHSJeffersonville HS (Jeffersonville, IN)
20023193018YEdgar Varela (minors)3B4YrCalifornia State University, Long Beach (Long Beach, CA)
20013194327UnkNik Lubisich (minors)LHP4YrWillamette University (Salem, OR)
20003192212YDarren Ciraco (minors)OFJCBriarcliff University (Bethpage, NY)
19993193915NJuan Gutierrez (minors)OFHSCoral Park HS (Miami, FL)
19983192916YCarlos Cline (minors)1BJCBrookdale Community College (Lincroft, NJ)
19973193915NMichael Malonee (minors)LHPJCSouthwestern College (Chula Vista, CA)
19963191712NJuan Mendoza (minors)LHP4YrMiami Dade College, Wolfson Campus (Miami, FL)
19953186825NBrian Bullock (minors)RHPJCItawamba Community College (Fulton, MS)
19943187326NRobert Hicks (minors)OFHSCharles H. Milby HS (Houston, TX)
19933187317NJory Diamond (minors)RHPJCTallahassee State College (Tallahassee, FL)
19923187624YYusef Ford (minors)LHP4YrCalifornia State University, Fullerton (Fullerton, CA)
19913182625YMike Bertotti (minors)LHP-0.700028317.632.0204YrIona University (New Rochelle, NY)
1990318224YTodd Hotz (minors)LHP4YrUniversity of Texas at Austin (Austin, TX)
1989317977UnkMike Potter (minors)RHPHSPotterville HS (Dimondale, MI)
19883179510YJames Garrett (minors)RHP4YrSouthern University and A&M College (Baton Rouge, LA)
1987317915NDerek Davis (minors)OFHSSimeon HS (Chicago, IL)
19843173913YJim Byrd (minors)2B4YrFlorida Memorial University (Miami Gardens, FL)
1981317543NRichie Hines (minors)1BHSForest Hill HS (Jackson, MS)
1979317576NRay Thoma (minors)2BHSMarist HS (Chicago, IL)
1975316502NBrien Zapalac (minors)LHPHSSealy HS (Sealy, TX)
1973316699YDonald Bridges (minors)RHPHSHoggard HS (Wilmington, NC)
1970317143NStephen Sroba (minors)OFHSNeshaminy HS (Langhorne, PA)
1969317162YKenneth Samuels (minors)RHP4YrStillman College (Tuscaloosa, AL)
19683169813YNathaniel Pettaway (minors)1BHSSt. Elmore HS (Theodore, AL)
19673159210NJim Norris (minors)OF3.648912827.264.699HSSeaford HS (Seaford, NY)
19663160615NPaul Faust (minors)OF4YrUniversity of Minnesota (Minneapolis, MN)
196531590YDanny Lazar (minors)LHP-0.31760.000.14317015.561.4704YrIndiana State University (Terre Haute, IN)

Other Rounds: 30th round / 31st round / 32nd round

44 matching player(s). 5 played in the majors (11%). Total of 12.7 WAR, or 2.5 per major leaguer.

DT Key

  • Blank - June Draft
  • 6sc - June Secondary
  • 6sa - June Secondary (normal, 1971 only)
  • 6sd - June Secondary (delayed, 1971 only)
  • 1rg - January Draft
  • 1sc - January Secondary Draft
  • 8lg - August Legion Draft

NOTES: We have not yet matched the 2024 debuts to their draft into. We hope to do so soon.
Please note that searches by state are not complete and not guaranteed to be accurate.
Players are listed regardless of whether they signed or not.
School names may change from year to year making it difficult to find all player drafted from a school.
Please let us know if you find what you believe is an error.

The 1965 draft had a major league and AAA section (rounds 1-3), a AA section (4-7) and A-ball sections (8+). Each team had one pick in rounds 1-7 (MLB, AAA, and AA picks). Starting with the 8th round teams received a pick for each A-ball team in their system in the reverse order of the affiliate finishes. Franchises that shared affiliates, alternated the picks round-by-round. This means that a franchise will have multiple picks in a "round". For presentation reasons here, we have re-labeled the rounds to be the number of the selection made by this franchise. This means that the Twins' 10th round pick could come after the Mets' 12th round pick.

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