1984 Picks in the MLB June Amateur Draft, with a listed position of OF

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1984 Picks in the MLB June Amateur Draft, with a listed position of OF

Other Years: 1983 / 1984 / 1985

Drafted Players

  • Links to minor league stats are incomplete and may not indicate a player signing
Drafted Players Table
Year Rnd DT OvPck FrRnd RdPck Tm Signed Bonus Name Pos WAR G AB HR BA OPS G W L ERA WHIP SV Type Drafted Out of
198411FrRnd1MetsY$150,500Shawn Abner (minors)OF-1.339284011.227.591HSMechanicsburg Area HS (Mechanicsburg, PA)
198419FrRnd9GiantsY$82,500Alan Cockrell (minors)OF-0.1980.250.5974YrUniversity of Tennessee (Knoxville, TN)
1984111FrRnd11PadresY$115,000Shane Mack (minors)OF21.7923285780.299.8214YrUniversity of California, Los Angeles (Los Angeles, CA)
1984112FrRnd12RangersY$113,000Oddibe McDowell (minors)OF10.6830282974.253.7194YrArizona State University (Tempe, AZ)
1984126FrRnd26White SoxY$65,000Tom Hartley (minors)OFHSHudson's Bay HS (Vancouver, WA)
1984239FrRnd11Yankees via PadresY*Keith Miller (minors)OF3.8465132612.262.6754YrOral Roberts University (Tulsa, OK)
1984242FrRnd14Red SoxYScott Wade (minors)OF4YrOklahoma State University (Stillwater, OK)
1984243FrRnd15PiratesYTim McMillan (minors)OFHSOak Hill HS (Oak Hill, WV)
1984246FrRnd18BrewersYBob Simonson (minors)OFJCTaft College (Taft, CA)
1984358FrRnd4IndiansNTodd Brown (minors)OF4YrArizona State University (Tempe, AZ)
1984370FrRnd16RoyalsYBob Bell (minors)OFHSGardena HS (Gardena, CA)
1984375FrRnd21PhilliesYScott Hufford (minors)OFHSPacific Grove HS (Pacific Grove, CA)
1984378FrRnd24TigersYMarty Freeman (minors)OF4YrUniversity of Maryland (College Park, MD)
1984492FrRnd12RangersNScott Ruskin (minors)OF0.1192130.154.5991921193.951.4584YrUniversity of Florida (Gainesville, FL)
1984495FrRnd15PiratesNScott Mackie (minors)OFHSElkton HS (Elkton, MD)
19844101FrRnd21PhilliesYTodd Soares (minors)OF4YrCalifornia State University, Fresno (Fresno, CA)
19845115FrRnd9GiantsYT.J. McDonald (minors)OF4YrPace University (New York, NY)
19845119FrRnd13ExposYBen Abner (minors)OF4YrGeorgia Southern University (Statesboro, GA)
19845121FrRnd15PiratesNWes Chamberlain (minors)OF1.2385126343.255.722HSSimeon HS (Chicago, IL)
19845124FrRnd18BrewersYJim Larsen (minors)OFHSEldorado HS (Las Vegas, NV)
19845127FrRnd21PhilliesYJim Fortenberry (minors)OF4YrWingate University (Wingate, NC)
19846138FrRnd6AngelsYBrian Brady (minors)OF0.1220.5001.5004YrNew York Institute of Technology (Old Westbury, NY)
19846139FrRnd7CardinalsYLance Johnson (minors)OF30.21447537934.291.7204YrUniversity of South Alabama (Mobile, AL)
19846142FrRnd10AthleticsYPat Dietrick (minors)OF4YrPurdue University (West Lafayette, IN)
19846148FrRnd16RoyalsYChito Martínez (minors)OF2.215842918.259.775HSBrother Martin HS (New Orleans, LA)
19846154FrRnd22YankeesNSteve Iannini (minors)OF4YrGeorgetown University (Washington, DC)
19847159FrRnd1MetsYTony Thompson (minors)OFHSMarion HS (Marion, IN)
19847163FrRnd5RedsNAllan Stallings (minors)OF4YrUniversity of Alabama (Tuscaloosa, AL)
19847175FrRnd17AstrosYChuck Jackson (minors)OF0.3821562.218.6014YrUniversity of Hawaii at Manoa (Honolulu, HI)
19847176FrRnd18BrewersYRob DeWolf (minors)OF4YrMalone University (Canton, OH)
19847183FrRnd25OriolesYChris Padget (minors)OF4YrUniversity of Mississippi (Oxford, MS)
19848187FrRnd3CubsNGlenn Twardy (minors)OFHSWilson HS (Los Angeles, CA)
19848188FrRnd4IndiansYRozier Jordan (minors)OF4YrHoward University (Washington, DC)
19848206FrRnd22YankeesYArt Calvert (minors)OF4YrAlliant International University (San Diego, CA)
19848209FrRnd25OriolesNRick Morris (minors)OFJCScottsdale Community College (Scottsdale, AZ)
19849222FrRnd12RangersYScott Russell (minors)OFHSMount Whitney HS (Visalia, CA)
19849225FrRnd15PiratesYRonald Knotts (minors)OF4YrSoutheastern Oklahoma State University (Durant, OK)
19849228FrRnd18BrewersYTim Casey (minors)OF4YrUniversity of Portland (Portland, OR)
19849233FrRnd23DodgersYJeff Brown (minors)OF4YrUniversity of Southern California (Los Angeles, CA)
198410242FrRnd6AngelsYTerry Jones (minors)OF4YrSan Diego State University (San Diego, CA)
198410244FrRnd8TwinsYPat Crosby (minors)OFHSBenjamin N. Cardozo HS (Bayside, NY)
198410245FrRnd9GiantsYLoren Hibbs (minors)OF4YrWichita State University (Wichita, KS)
198410251FrRnd15PiratesNGerald Ingram (minors)OFHSSimeon HS (Chicago, IL)
198410256FrRnd20Blue JaysYBrian Morrison (minors)OFHSOakland HS (Oakland, CA)
198410258FrRnd22YankeesNHardin Brown (minors)OFHSRed Springs HS (Red Springs, NC)
198411270FrRnd8TwinsYBrian Leighton (minors)OF4YrLoyola Marymount University (Los Angeles, CA)
198411271FrRnd9GiantsYDarin James (minors)OFHSPatrick Henry HS (San Diego, CA)
198411281FrRnd19BravesNBobby Green (minors)OF4YrFlorida Southern College (Lakeland, FL)
198411286FrRnd24TigersYChris Morgan (minors)OF4YrGeorgia Institute of Technology (Atlanta, GA)
198411288FrRnd26White SoxNTony Pickett (minors)OFHSEl Cerrito HS (El Cerrito, CA)
198412292FrRnd4IndiansYReggie Coker (minors)OFJCNortheast Texas Community College (Mount Pleasant, TX)
198412295FrRnd7CardinalsNTim Sossamon (minors)OF4YrLouisiana State University (Baton Rouge, LA)
198412307FrRnd19BravesYDennis Hood (minors)OFHSJohn Muir HS (Pasadena, CA)
198413323FrRnd9GiantsNGreg Ehmig (minors)OFHSRhea County HS (Evensville, TN)
198413324FrRnd10AthleticsYKevin Russ (minors)OFHSGonzalez Tate HS (Pensacola, FL)
198413333FrRnd19BravesYKelly Guthrie (minors)OFJCMcLennan Community College (Waco, TX)
198413337FrRnd23DodgersYJack Schlichting (minors)OF4YrUniversity of Minnesota (Minneapolis, MN)
198414348FrRnd8TwinsYJeff Smith (minors)OFHSSt. Petersburg Catholic HS (St. Petersburg, FL)
198414354FrRnd14Red SoxNDon Pina (minors)OFHSBridgewater HS (Bridgewater, MA)
198415370FrRnd4IndiansNMark Hardy (minors)OF4YrUniversity of California, Riverside (Riverside, CA)
198415371FrRnd5RedsYGeorge Pace (minors)OF4YrUniversity of Richmond (Richmond, VA)
198415379FrRnd13ExposYTodd Wilkinson (minors)OF4YrUniversity of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (Chapel Hill, NC)
198415386FrRnd20Blue JaysNMike Jones (minors)OF4YrValdosta State University (Valdosta, GA)
198415392FrRnd26White SoxNJohn Von Ahnen (minors)OF4YrWagner College (Staten Island, NY)
198416394FrRnd2MarinersYScott Buss (minors)OF4YrCalifornia State University, Fresno (Fresno, CA)
198416401FrRnd9GiantsYCharlie Culberson (minors)OF4YrJacksonville State University (Jacksonville, AL)
198416403FrRnd11PadresYJeff Gray (minors)OFHSJohn Muir HS (Pasadena, CA)
198416405FrRnd13ExposYSteve St. Claire (minors)OFHSWhitehall Central HS (Whitehall, NY)
198416406FrRnd14Red SoxNScott Jordan (minors)OF-0.2790.111.2224YrGeorgia Institute of Technology (Atlanta, GA)
198416410FrRnd18BrewersNGary Grant (minors)OFHSMcKinley HS (Canton, OH)
198416414FrRnd22YankeesYPhil Lane (minors)OF4YrUniversity of Miami (Coral Gables, FL)
198417424FrRnd6AngelsYDante Bichette (minors)OF5.717046381274.299.835JCPalm Beach State College (Lake Worth, FL)
198417426FrRnd8TwinsYTom Thomas (minors)OF4YrCalifornia State University, Fullerton (Fullerton, CA)
198417435FrRnd17AstrosYNorm Brock (minors)OF4YrMorehead State University (Morehead, KY)
198417441FrRnd23DodgersNGreg Smith (minors)OFHSBaylor School (Chattanooga, TN)
198418447FrRnd3CubsYJohn Lewis (minors)OF4YrGrambling State University (Grambling, LA)
198418450FrRnd6AngelsYAllan Peterson (minors)OF4YrLewis-Clark State College (Lewiston, ID)
198418456FrRnd12RangersYJim St. Laurent (minors)OF4YrUniversity of South Carolina (Columbia, SC)
198418469FrRnd25OriolesNMike Prior (minors)OF4YrIllinois State University (Normal, IL)
198419471FrRnd1MetsNWendell Harris (minors)OFHSPasadena HS (Pasadena, CA)
198419474FrRnd4IndiansNMark Malizia (minors)OFHSGeneva HS (Geneva, OH)
198419475FrRnd5RedsYLalo Berezo (minors)OF4YrUniversity of Cincinnati (Cincinnati, OH)
198419477FrRnd7CardinalsYGary Blaine (minors)OF4YrMurray State University (Murray, KY)
198419479FrRnd9GiantsNJohn Skurla (minors)OF4YrWashington State University (Pullman, WA)
198419480FrRnd10AthleticsNJohn Fishel (minors)OF-0.119261.231.6574YrCalifornia State University, Fullerton (Fullerton, CA)
198419488FrRnd18BrewersYCarl Gordon (minors)OF4YrWingate University (Wingate, NC)
198419489FrRnd19BravesYChris Clawson (minors)OF
198419493FrRnd23DodgersYCraig Dorsey (minors)OFJCCommunity College of Baltimore County, Catonsville Campus (Catonsville, MD)
198420499FrRnd3CubsNAlex Sanchez (minors)OF-0.600040110.032.570HSAntioch HS (Antioch, CA)
198420512FrRnd16RoyalsYKevin Koslofski (minors)OF-0.4972054.244.681HSMaroa-Forsyth HS (Maroa, IL)
198421527FrRnd5RedsYAllen Sigler (minors)OF4YrUniversity of Memphis (Memphis, TN)
198421544FrRnd22DodgersYEd Jacobo (minors)OF4YrCalifornia State University, Fresno (Fresno, CA)
198421547FrRnd25White SoxNJohn Selvitella (minors)OFHSSan Francisco HS (Fairfield, CA)
198422557FrRnd10AthleticsNRod Brunelle (minors)OF4YrGrand Valley State University (Allendale, MI)
198422564FrRnd17BrewersNDan Nyssen (minors)OFHSDwight D. Eisenhower HS (Yakima, WA)
198422565FrRnd18BravesYGreg Tubbs (minors)OF-0.135591.186.5894YrAustin Peay State University (Clarksville, TN)
198422566FrRnd19Blue JaysNEric Fox (minors)OF-0.61162585.198.5594YrCalifornia State University, Fresno (Fresno, CA)
198423577FrRnd5RedsYJohn Bryant (minors)OF4YrCalifornia State University, Fullerton (Fullerton, CA)
198423581FrRnd9GiantsYKent Cooper (minors)OF4YrSanta Clara University (Santa Clara, CA)
198423593FrRnd21DodgersNJerald Clark (minors)OF3.0516160944.257.7094YrLamar University (Beaumont, TX)
198424598FrRnd2MarinersYJohn Anderson (minors)OF4YrSaint Leo University (St. Leo, FL)
198424601FrRnd5RedsYGlenn Zielinski (minors)OF4YrUniversity of Nevada, Las Vegas (Paradise, NV)
198424602FrRnd6CardinalsNBrad Bierley (minors)OF4YrPepperdine University (Malibu, CA)
198424609FrRnd13PiratesYReggie Hammonds (minors)OF4YrNorthwestern University (Evanston, IL)
198424616FrRnd20DodgersNJohn Cowan (minors)OF4YrMontclair State University (Montclair, NJ)
198424618FrRnd22OriolesYSteve Colavito (minors)OFHSSchuvkill HS (Bernville, GA)
198424619FrRnd23White SoxYJerry Bertolani (minors)OFJCLos Medanos College (Pittsburg, CA)
198425621FrRnd2MarinersYMike Solomon (minors)OF4YrCalifornia State University, Northridge (Los Angeles, CA)
198425625FrRnd6CardinalsYBill Wilson (minors)OF4YrUniversity of Texas Pan American (Edinburg, TX)
198425629FrRnd10RangersYRob Amble (minors)OF4YrAzusa Pacific University (Azusa, CA)
198425631FrRnd12PiratesNJoel Smith (minors)OFHSJones County HS (Gray, GA)
198425632FrRnd13AstrosYAlfred Perez (minors)OF4YrFlorida International University (Miami, FL)
198426642FrRnd2MarinersYMike Carozza (minors)OF4YrCalifornia State University, Long Beach (Long Beach, CA)
198426644FrRnd4IndiansNMike Devereaux (minors)OF14.610863740105.254.7094YrArizona State University (Tempe, AZ)
198426652FrRnd12PiratesNSteven Trumbull (minors)OFHSPinellas Park HS (Largo, FL)
198426655FrRnd15Blue JaysNAnthony Newman (minors)OFHSBeaverton HS (Beaverton, OR)
198427661FrRnd1MetsYAngelo Cuevas (minors)OFHSAviation Career & Technical Education HS (Long Island City, NY)
198427663FrRnd3CubsYParnell Perry (minors)OFHSGrant Union HS (Sacramento, CA)
198427669FrRnd9PiratesYJohn Johnson (minors)OF4YrChicago State University (Chicago, IL)
198427672FrRnd12Blue JaysYGreg Lorenzetti (minors)OF4YrStanford University (Palo Alto, CA)
198429695FrRnd1MetsYLew Graham (minors)OF4YrSan Diego State University (San Diego, CA)
198429698FrRnd4IndiansYDave Jenkins (minors)OFJCSouthern Polytechnic State University (Marietta, GA)
198429700FrRnd6AthleticsYEldridge Armstrong (minors)OF4YrUniversity of Southern California (Los Angeles, CA)
198429702FrRnd8ExposYDoug Shields (minors)OF4YrUniversity of Miami (Coral Gables, FL)
198429704FrRnd10BrewersNMichael Stewart (minors)OFJCBakersfield College (Bakersfield, CA)
198429709FrRnd15TigersNBobby Moore (minors)OF0.018140.357.829HSPurcell Marian HS (Cincinnati, OH)
198430714FrRnd4IndiansYMichael Tolleson (minors)OF4YrWofford College (Spartanburg, SC)
198430725FrRnd15TigersNWilliam Kushmaul (minors)OFHSMidland HS (Midland, MI)
198430726FrRnd16White SoxYJohn Christy (minors)OF4YrBaylor University (Waco, TX)
198432742FrRnd3IndiansNTommy Gregg (minors)OF-1.344688020.243.6634YrWake Forest University (Winston-Salem, NC)
198432745FrRnd6RangersYRon King (minors)OF4YrBaylor University (Waco, TX)
198432750FrRnd11TigersNGreg Lotzar (minors)OF4YrCentral Michigan University (Mount Pleasant, MI)
198433756FrRnd5AthleticsYAndy Krause (minors)OF4YrMichigan State University (East Lansing, MI)
198433761FrRnd10YankeesYGary Cathcart (minors)OF4YrMiddle Tennessee State University (Murfreesboro, TN)
198433762FrRnd11TigersNMarc Wolever (minors)OFHSLewis Central HS (Council Bluffs, IA)
198435775FrRnd2MarinersYMark Machalec (minors)OF4YrRice University (Houston, TX)
198435778FrRnd5RangersYBrad Hill (minors)OF4YrEmporia State University (Emporia, KS)
198436783FrRnd2IndiansNPaul List (minors)OFHSNorth Hollywood HS (North Hollywood, CA)
198438798FrRnd3RangersYJohn Schuessler (minors)OF4YrNortheastern University (Boston, MA)
198438801FrRnd6White SoxYJoseph Martinez (minors)OFJCMount San Antonio College (Walnut, CA)
198439802FrRnd1MarinersYA.D. Jackson (minors)OF4YrSt. Thomas University (Miami Gardens, FL)
198439804FrRnd3RangersYShawn Covington (minors)OFHSCherokee County HS (Centre, AL)
198439805FrRnd4PiratesYBelgee Falkner (minors)OF4YrBaylor University (Waco, TX)
198439806FrRnd5YankeesNTodd Persico (minors)OFJCTriton College (River Grove, IL)
198441813FrRnd2RangersYMark Kramer (minors)OFHSBremen HS (Midlothian, IL)
198442819FrRnd4YankeesNAl Quintero (minors)OF4YrLewis-Clark State College (Lewiston, ID)
198444825FrRnd3YankeesYJay Burton (minors)OF4YrLamar University (Beaumont, TX)
198445827FrRnd2RangersNWalt Guillory (minors)OF4YrUniversity of Louisiana at Lafayette (Lafayette, LA)
198446831FrRnd3YankeesNRay Graff (minors)OF4YrUniversity of Detroit Mercy (Detroit, MI)
198447833FrRnd2RangersNRod Ehrhard (minors)OFJCState College of Florida, Manatee-Sarasota (Bradenton, FL)
198450838FrRnd1YankeesNTy Dabney (minors)OF4YrUniversity of California, Riverside (Riverside, CA)

*Compensation Picks
Keith Miller (Yankees-2) - Pick from Padres as compensation for Free Agent Rich Gossage

Other Years: 1983 / 1984 / 1985

151 matching player(s). 22 played in the majors (14%). Total of 88.8 WAR, or 4.0 per major leaguer.

DT Key

  • Blank - June Draft
  • 6sc - June Secondary
  • 6sa - June Secondary (normal, 1971 only)
  • 6sd - June Secondary (delayed, 1971 only)
  • 1rg - January Draft
  • 1sc - January Secondary Draft
  • 8lg - August Legion Draft

NOTES: We have not yet matched the 2024 debuts to their draft into. We hope to do so soon.
Please note that searches by state are not complete and not guaranteed to be accurate.
Players are listed regardless of whether they signed or not.
School names may change from year to year making it difficult to find all player drafted from a school.
Please let us know if you find what you believe is an error.

The 1965 draft had a major league and AAA section (rounds 1-3), a AA section (4-7) and A-ball sections (8+). Each team had one pick in rounds 1-7 (MLB, AAA, and AA picks). Starting with the 8th round teams received a pick for each A-ball team in their system in the reverse order of the affiliate finishes. Franchises that shared affiliates, alternated the picks round-by-round. This means that a franchise will have multiple picks in a "round". For presentation reasons here, we have re-labeled the rounds to be the number of the selection made by this franchise. This means that the Twins' 10th round pick could come after the Mets' 12th round pick.

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