1991 Picks in the MLB June Amateur Draft, with a listed position of LHP

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1991 Picks in the MLB June Amateur Draft, with a listed position of LHP

Other Years: 1990 / 1991 / 1992

Drafted Players

  • Links to minor league stats are incomplete and may not indicate a player signing
Drafted Players Table
Year Rnd DT OvPck FrRnd RdPck Tm Signed Bonus Name WAR G AB HR BA OPS G W L ERA WHIP SV Type Drafted Out of
199111FrRnd1YankeesY$1,550,000Brien Taylor (minors)HSEast Carteret HS (Beaufort, NC)
1991111FrRnd11MarinersY$332,500Shawn Estes (minors)10.42964984.159.408283101934.711.530HSDouglas HS (Minden, NV)
1991115FrRnd15Brewers via TigersY$280,000*Ty Hill (minors)HSYucaipa HS (Yucaipa, CA)
1991121FrRnd21Cardinals via Blue JaysY$225,000*Allen Watson (minors)2.71051750.257.63620651555.031.4914YrNew York Institute of Technology (Old Westbury, NY)
19911s32FrRnd32TigersY*Justin Thompson (minors)12.85140.071.14310336434.021.340HSKlein Oak HS (Spring, TX)
19911s33FrRnd33GiantsY*Steve Whitaker (minors)4YrCalifornia State University, Long Beach (Long Beach, CA)
19911s41FrRnd41TigersY*Trever Miller (minors)4.740860.167.50069418174.181.4511HSTrinity HS (Louisville, KY)
1991265FrRnd21Blue JaysYDennis Gray (minors)4YrCalifornia State University, Long Beach (Long Beach, CA)
1991266FrRnd22MetsYBill Pulsipher (minors)0.570810.124.31910613195.151.540HSFairfax HS (Fairfax, VA)
1991269FrRnd25White SoxYLarry Thomas (minors)1.520079233.021.3604YrUniversity of Maine (Orono, ME)
1991385FrRnd12CubsYBill Bliss (minors)4YrVillanova University (Villanova, PA)
1991397FrRnd24PiratesYMatt Ruebel (minors)-0.969200.150.34177455.541.6014YrUniversity of Oklahoma (Norman, OK)
19914108FrRnd9OriolesYVaughn Eshelman (minors)-1.1140.250.500831596.071.7304YrUniversity of Houston (Houston, TX)
19914117FrRnd18DodgersYMike Walkden (minors)HSLake Stevens HS (Lake Stevens, WA)
19914125FrRnd26AthleticsYSteve Wojciechowski (minors)0.6200327105.651.6004YrSt. Xavier University (Orland Park, IL)
19915133FrRnd8PadresYJoey Long (minors)-0.3100010008.182.2704YrKent State University (Kent, OH)
19915136FrRnd11MarinersYSean Rees (minors)4YrArizona State University (Tempe, AZ)
19915138FrRnd13IndiansYKevin Logsdon (minors)JCLinn-Benton Community College (Albany, OR)
19915144FrRnd19RangersYMark O'Brien (minors)HSDeering HS (Portland, ME)
19916177FrRnd26AthleticsYTim Doyle (minors)4YrCalifornia State University, Sacramento (Sacramento, CA)
19917178FrRnd1YankeesYTommy Carter (minors)4YrAuburn University (Auburn, AL)
19917179FrRnd2BravesYEarl Nelson (minors)HSTom C. Clark HS (San Antonio, TX)
19917181FrRnd4CardinalsYDoug Creek (minors)-1.18750.200.4002797145.321.6014YrGeorgia Institute of Technology (Atlanta, GA)
19917195FrRnd18DodgersYBrandon Watts (minors)HSRuston HS (Ruston, LA)
19918212FrRnd9OriolesYTerry Farrar (minors)4YrMissouri Baptist University (St. Louis, MO)
19918216FrRnd13IndiansYChris Coulter (minors)JCPensacola State College (Pensacola, FL)
19918223FrRnd20RedsYJohn Courtright (minors)0.010010092.0004YrDuke University (Durham, NC)
19918227FrRnd24PiratesYMatt Pontbriant (minors)JCEastern Florida State College (Cocoa, FL)
19919230FrRnd1YankeesYKeith Garagozzo (minors)-0.20007009.642.3604YrUniversity of Delaware (Newark, DE)
19919248FrRnd19RangersYScott Eyre (minors)7.3458130.154.36861728304.231.524JCCollege of Southern Idaho (Twin Falls, ID)
19919253FrRnd24PiratesYDeon Danner (minors)4YrUniversity of North Carolina at Charlotte (Charlotte, NC)
199110269FrRnd14ExposYBrian Looney (minors)-0.5410.000.00070111.372.3704YrBoston College (Chestnut Hill, MA)
199111300FrRnd19RangersYLance Schuermann (minors)4YrUniversity of Nevada, Las Vegas (Paradise, NV)
199111301FrRnd20RedsYScott Dodd (minors)4YrArizona State University (Tempe, AZ)
199111303FrRnd22MetsYTodd Fiegel (minors)4YrUniversity of Virginia (Charlottesville, VA)
199112310FrRnd3TwinsYJeff Mansur (minors)4YrUniversity of Portland (Portland, OR)
199112313FrRnd6AstrosYRod Biehl (minors)4YrUniversity of Louisville (Louisville, KY)
199112329FrRnd22MetsYJason Jacome (minors)0.814230.044.08710610185.341.611JCPima Community College (Tucson, AZ)
199113337FrRnd4CardinalsYScott Simmons (minors)4YrMissouri State University (Springfield, MO)
199113339FrRnd6AstrosYTony Miller (minors)4YrUniversity of Dayton (Dayton, OH)
199114385FrRnd26AthleticsNDarrell May (minors)5.733260.077.18816126435.161.450JCSacramento City College (Sacramento, CA)
199115387FrRnd2BravesYEric Lairsey (minors)HSPierce County HS (Blackshear, GA)
199115392FrRnd7RoyalsYChris Connolly (minors)4YrRadford University (Radford, VA)
199115393FrRnd8PadresNJustin Atchley (minors)-0.11410.000.00015006.11.650HSSedro-Woolley HS (Sedro-Woolley, WA)
199115396FrRnd11MarinersYDoug Anderson (minors)4YrUniversity of North Florida (Jacksonville, FL)
199116415FrRnd4CardinalsYKevin Lucero (minors)4YrFlorida International University (Miami, FL)
199116425FrRnd14ExposUnkBuddy Jenkins (minors)4YrWake Forest University (Winston-Salem, NC)
199116431FrRnd20RedsNBubba Hardwick (minors)JCPolk State College (Winter Haven, FL)
199117442FrRnd5BrewersYChad O'Laughlin (minors)JCSouthwestern College (Chula Vista, CA)
199117452FrRnd15TigersNTodd Ruyak (minors)4YrUniversity of Virginia (Charlottesville, VA)
199117455FrRnd18DodgersYChad Zerbe (minors)0.5107200.150.300114613.871.360JCHillsborough Community College (Tampa, FL)
199117459FrRnd22MetsYJoe Crawford (minors)0.518110.000.00019433.31.0604YrKent State University (Kent, OH)
199118466FrRnd3TwinsYDavid Sartain (minors)4YrVirginia Commonwealth University (Richmond, VA)
199118472FrRnd9OriolesNAaron Lane (minors)JCLincoln Land Community College (Springfield, IL)
199118477FrRnd14ExposYKirk Rueter (minors)16.33366220.153.354340130924.271.3904YrMurray State University (Murray, KY)
199118481FrRnd18DodgersYJo Jo Smith (minors)4YrVanderbilt University (Nashville, TN)
199118482FrRnd19RangersYBo Magee (minors)4YrJackson State University (Jackson, MS)
199118483FrRnd20RedsYMike Coletti (minors)4YrOklahoma City University (Oklahoma City, OK)
199120520FrRnd5BrewersYBrian Hancock (minors)JCVolunteer State Community College (Gallatin, TN)
199120530FrRnd15TigersYRich Kelley (minors)4YrJacksonville University (Jacksonville, FL)
199120537FrRnd22MetsYAndy Cotner (minors)4YrIllinois State University (Normal, IL)
199120538FrRnd23Red SoxYCesar Martinez (minors)HSChula Vista HS (Chula Vista, CA)
199121544FrRnd3TwinsYMike Lewis (minors)4YrUniversity of California, Los Angeles (Los Angeles, CA)
199121549FrRnd8PadresNMichael Weston (minors)HSLower Richland HS (Hopkins, SC)
199121552FrRnd11MarinersYToby Foreman (minors)4YrSaint Mary's College of California (Moraga, CA)
199122568FrRnd1YankeesNScott Baldwin (minors)4YrLewis-Clark State College (Lewiston, ID)
199122569FrRnd2BravesNRyan Karp (minors)-0.4140016115.291.4704YrUniversity of Miami (Coral Gables, FL)
199122575FrRnd8PadresYJoe Grygiel (minors)4YrUniversity of Massachusetts Lowell (Lowell, MA)
199122580FrRnd13IndiansYGrady Davidson (minors)4YrSouthern University and A&M College (Baton Rouge, LA)
199122588FrRnd21Blue JaysYAndy Dolson (minors)4YrTroy University (Troy, AL)
199122591FrRnd24PiratesYMike Maguire (minors)4YrNortheastern University (Boston, MA)
199123596FrRnd3TwinsYDenny Sweeney (minors)4YrSeton Hall University (South Orange, NJ)
199123598FrRnd5BrewersYBrian Dennison (minors)4YrUniversity of Arkansas (Fayetteville, AR)
199123602FrRnd9OriolesYRick Krivda (minors)0.41640.000.0007211165.571.6004YrPennsylvania Western University California (California, PA)
199123605FrRnd12CubsYJoe Szczepanski (minors)4YrCalifornia Baptist University (Riverside, CA)
199123606FrRnd13IndiansUnkGregg Knaplund (minors)4YrUniversity of Washington (Seattle, WA)
199123611FrRnd18DodgersNDave Carroll (minors)HSChantilly HS (Chantilly, VA)
199123615FrRnd22MetsYCliff Jones (minors)4YrHawaii Pacific University (Honolulu, HI)
199124626FrRnd7RoyalsNJoe Carrillo (minors)JCSouthwestern College (Chula Vista, CA)
199124634FrRnd15TigersYMatt Bauer (minors)4YrCentral Michigan University (Mount Pleasant, MI)
199124637FrRnd18DodgersYKevin Smith (minors)HSColumbus HS (Columbus, GA)
199124640FrRnd21Blue JaysYAl Montoya (minors)4YrNew Mexico State University (Las Cruces, NM)
199125650FrRnd5BrewersNMike Swenson (minors)HSChamberlain HS (Tampa, FL)
199125657FrRnd12CubsYMike Tidwell (minors)4YrLenoir-Rhyne University (Hickory, NC)
199125658FrRnd13IndiansYBrandon Bluhm (minors)HSW. F. West HS (Chehalis, WA)
199126675FrRnd4CardinalsYRigo Beltrán (minors)0.576110.182.45578234.41.4414YrUniversity of Wyoming (Laramie, WY)
199126689FrRnd18DodgersYChris Crabtree (minors)4YrMiddle Tennessee State University (Murfreesboro, TN)
199126690FrRnd19RangersYDave Gandolph (minors)4YrIndiana University Bloomington (Bloomington, IN)
199126694FrRnd23Red SoxNJesse Armendariz (minors)JCHoward College (Big Spring, TX)
199127709FrRnd12CubsNOrlando Lopez (minors)HSFrancisco Mendoza HS (Isabella, Puerto Rico)
199127714FrRnd17AngelsYMark Mammola (minors)4YrPace University (New York, NY)
199127718FrRnd21Blue JaysYPaul Barton (minors)4YrUniversity of Utah (Salt Lake City, UT)
199127721FrRnd24PiratesYMike Taylor (minors)HSAdmiral King HS (Lorain, OH)
199128731FrRnd8PadresNGregg Kennedy (minors)JCMeridian Community College (Meridian, MS)
199128738FrRnd15TigersYBob Lemay (minors)4YrSt. Andrews University (Laurinburg, NC)
199128744FrRnd21Blue JaysYSteve Sinclair (minors)0.210045035.241.570JCKwantlen Polytechnic University (Langley, BC)
199128747FrRnd24PiratesYJim Martin (minors)4YrEastern Michigan University (Ypsilanti, MI)
199128749FrRnd26AthleticsYGreg Smock (minors)4YrAustin Peay State University (Clarksville, TN)
199129755FrRnd6AstrosYMark Loughlin (minors)4YrProvidence College (Providence, RI)
199129757FrRnd8PadresNBryan Ward (minors)0.0200095135.091.531JCCounty College of Morris (Randolph, NJ)
199129759FrRnd10PhilliesNTimothy Pugh (minors)JCCecil Community College (North East, MD)
199129760FrRnd11MarinersNChad Soden (minors)HSTuckerman HS (Tuckerman, AR)
199129768FrRnd19RangersNTim Beard (minors)HSGrace King HS (Metairie, LA)
199129771FrRnd22MetsNMark Lukasiewicz (minors)-0.210041225.21.540HSSecaucus HS (Secaucus, NJ)
199129772FrRnd23Red SoxNLance Davis (minors)HSMary G. Montgomery HS (Semmes, AL)
199130785FrRnd10PhilliesYJohn Whisonant (minors)4YrAlliant International University (San Diego, CA)
199130797FrRnd22MetsYChris George (minors)4YrMississippi State University (Mississippi State, MS)
199131811FrRnd10PhilliesYGlenn Nevill (minors)4YrBaylor University (Waco, TX)
199131820FrRnd19RangersYJoe Brownholtz (minors)4YrUniversity of the Pacific (Stockton, CA)
199131826FrRnd25White SoxYMike Bertotti (minors)-0.700028317.632.0204YrIona University (New Rochelle, NY)
199132829FrRnd2BravesYJimmy Armstrong (minors)4YrDallas Baptist University (Dallas, TX)
199132845FrRnd18DodgersNTravis Hall (minors)JCMiddle Georgia State University (Macon, GA)
199132846FrRnd19RangersYScott Buchheit (minors)4YrMissouri State University (Springfield, MO)
199132851FrRnd24PiratesYMichael Teich (minors)4YrCalifornia State University, Sacramento (Sacramento, CA)
199133856FrRnd3TwinsNDavid Baine (minors)4YrSonoma State University (Rohnert Park, CA)
199133859FrRnd6AstrosNCraig Castellanos (minors)HSVictor Valley HS (Victorville, CA)
199134882FrRnd3TwinsNTim Davis (minors)0.800089654.621.6324YrFlorida State University (Tallahassee, FL)
199134896FrRnd17AngelsNMike Halperin (minors)HSBarron Collier HS (Naples, FL)
199134897FrRnd18DodgersNCedric Allen (minors)JCMcLennan Community College (Waco, TX)
199135907FrRnd2BravesYCraig Rapp (minors)4YrNorth Carolina State University (Raleigh, NC)
199135912FrRnd7RoyalsYKevin Kobetitsch (minors)4YrConcordia College (Bronxville, NY)
199135924FrRnd19RangersUnkDan Ortiz (minors)HSHoboken HS (Hoboken, NJ)
199135927FrRnd22MetsNRobert Cardera (minors)JCChabot College (Hayward, CA)
199136937FrRnd6AstrosNKeith Davenport (minors)4YrMichigan State University (East Lansing, MI)
199136942FrRnd11MarinersNAndrew Schope (minors)HSHempstead HS (Dubuque, IA)
199137962FrRnd5BrewersNPete Harvell (minors)JCSan Jose City College (San Jose, CA)
199137968FrRnd11MarinersNDan Scutchfield (minors)HSSaline HS (Saline, MI)
199137973FrRnd16GiantsNHerb Baxter (minors)JCSpartanburg Methodist College (Spartanburg, SC)
199137975FrRnd18DodgersNAlejandro Pereira (minors)JCMiami Dade College (Miami, FL)
199138987FrRnd4CardinalsYPaul Romanoli (minors)4YrUniversity of Memphis (Memphis, TN)
199138997FrRnd14ExposNRyan Duffy (minors)HSWallaceburg District HS (Sombra, ON)
1991381000FrRnd17AngelsNRichie Blackwell (minors)HSWhiteville HS (Whiteville, NC)
1991381001FrRnd18DodgersYGary Cope (minors)JCMotlow State Community College (Lynchburg, TN)
1991391015FrRnd6AstrosYAlvin Morman (minors)0.37310.000.000176674.791.6534YrWingate University (Wingate, NC)
1991391027FrRnd18DodgersYClifton Joyce (minors)HSSouth Stokes HS (Walnut Cove, NC)
1991391035FrRnd26AthleticsYTom Myers (minors)4YrUniversity of California, Santa Barbara (Santa Barbara, CA)
1991401044FrRnd9OriolesNScott Emerson (minors)JCScottsdale Community College (Scottsdale, AZ)
1991401047FrRnd12CubsNKevin Lydon (minors)HSMission San Jose HS (Fremont, CA)
1991401053FrRnd18DodgersYMichael Sube (minors)4YrWest Virginia University (Morgantown, WV)
1991411066FrRnd6AstrosYHeath Rose (minors)4YrMacMurray College (Jacksonville, IL)
1991411073FrRnd13IndiansYBrian Buzard (minors)4YrWichita State University (Wichita, KS)
1991411080FrRnd20RedsNAaron Fultz (minors)2.8287190.263.52646325154.261.363HSMunford HS (Munford, TN)
1991411083FrRnd23PiratesNTodd Boulanger (minors)HSLord Tweedsmuir HS (Surrey, BC)
1991421088FrRnd3TwinsNGerman Casillas (minors)JCLos Angeles Harbor College (Wilmington, CA)
1991421091FrRnd6AstrosYRicky Blest (minors)4YrMissouri Baptist University (St. Louis, MO)
1991421104FrRnd19RangersYDarin Haddock (minors)4YrOklahoma Baptist University (Shawnee, OK)
1991431117FrRnd7RoyalsYChris Medrick (minors)4YrEmporia State University (Emporia, KS)
1991431123FrRnd13IndiansNDamien Crabtree (minors)HSBallard HS (Seattle, WA)
1991441140FrRnd5BrewersNBobby Jones (minors)1.990810.173.4079914215.771.730JCChipola College (Marianna, FL)
1991441144FrRnd9OriolesNBrett Ames (minors)HSTucson HS (Tucson, AZ)
1991441147FrRnd12CubsYPerry Amos (minors)JCButte College (Oroville, CA)
1991451170FrRnd10PhilliesNJames Gwaltney (minors)JCRancho Santiago College (Santa Ana, CA)
1991451174FrRnd14ExposNRocky Murray (minors)HSNorth Bend HS (North Bend, OR)
1991451175FrRnd15TigersYDennis Walsh (minors)4YrUniversity of Alabama (Tuscaloosa, AL)
1991451180FrRnd20RedsNJames Ethridge (minors)HSMarengo Academy (Linden, AL)
1991451183FrRnd23PiratesYGene Knapp (minors)HSOsceola HS (Kissimmee, FL)
1991461186FrRnd1YankeesNWilliam Lawrence (minors)JCPensacola State College (Pensacola, FL)
1991461187FrRnd2BravesNRinker Robinson (minors)HSTavares HS (Tavares, FL)
1991461202FrRnd17AngelsYMike Butler (minors)4YrNorth Carolina State University (Raleigh, NC)
1991461208FrRnd23PiratesNBrian Brewer (minors)HSArmijo HS (Fairfield, CA)
1991481249FrRnd14GiantsNNoe Najera (minors)JCCypress College (Cypress, CA)
1991491264FrRnd6RoyalsNJason Chandler (minors)HSBurbank HS (Burbank, CA)
1991491272FrRnd14AngelsYMark Ledinsky (minors)4YrJacksonville University (Jacksonville, FL)
1991511312FrRnd11TigersNReggie Jackson (minors)JCHillsborough Community College (Tampa, FL)
1991521326FrRnd4AstrosNJason Reed (minors)HSEl Capitan HS (Lakeside, CA)
1991521329FrRnd7PhilliesNBobby Waits (minors)JCFresno City College (Fresno, CA)
1991521330FrRnd8MarinersNBryan Pfeifer (minors)HSJohn F. Kennedy HS (Taylor, MI)
1991521334FrRnd12GiantsNScott Boyle (minors)HSSan Marin HS (Novato, CA)
1991521336FrRnd14DodgersYCam Aronetz (minors)4YrSimon Fraser University (Burnaby, BC)
1991531343FrRnd1YankeesUnkEric Taylor (minors)JCSt. Petersburg College (St. Petersburg, FL)
1991531354FrRnd12GiantsYKen Grundt (minors)-0.100030010.81.8004YrMissouri Southern State University (Joplin, MO)
1991531356FrRnd14DodgersNChris Vaughn (minors)JCJohn A. Logan College (Carterville, IL)
1991531357FrRnd15RangersYDaryl Henderson (minors)JCElgin Community College (Elgin, IL)
1991541366FrRnd5RoyalsNEdgar Orta (minors)HSSan Gabriel HS (San Gabriel, CA)
1991541373FrRnd12GiantsYJeff Locklear (minors)4YrUniversity of North Carolina at Pembroke (Pembroke, NC)
1991551388FrRnd17ExposNJody Crump (minors)HSHarrison County HS (Cynthiana, KY)
1991551392FrRnd21RangersNTrey Moore (minors)-0.423260.231.593233105.831.790HSKeller HS (Keller, TX)
1991561407FrRnd12DodgersNBrian Wise (minors)HSEl Segundo HS (El Segundo, CA)
1991581430FrRnd4AstrosNJamie Falconer (minors)HSLa Grande HS (La Grande, OR)
1991581435FrRnd9TigersNSteven Breland (minors)HSA. Crawford Mosley HS (Lynn Haven, FL)
1991591446FrRnd6MarinersNJo Jo Schmitt (minors)JCState College of Florida, Manatee-Sarasota (Bradenton, FL)
1991591449FrRnd9TigersNToby McFarland (minors)JCRiverside City College (Riverside, CA)
1991601460FrRnd8ExposNJason Myers (minors)HSFontana HS (Fontana, CA)
1991601463FrRnd11DodgersUnkSteve Kline (minors)9.9686140.143.35779634393.511.3839JCAllegany College of Maryland (Cumberland, MD)
1991611468FrRnd4AstrosYSean Fesh (minors)HSBethel HS (Bethel, CT)
1991611471FrRnd7IndiansYAndy Stemler (minors)4YrLewis University (Romeoville, IL)
1991621478FrRnd2BravesNRobert Valdez (minors)JCCentral Arizona College (Coolidge, AZ)
1991621488FrRnd12RangersNJason Rogers (minors)HSRobert McQueen HS (Reno, NV)
1991631495FrRnd7GiantsNDoug Cecil (minors)HSFresno HS (Fresno, CA)
1991661513FrRnd2CardinalsNPaul Williams (minors)HSMountain Home HS (Mountain Home, ID)
1991661516FrRnd5ExposNJames Jennings (minors)HSGeorge Washington HS (Danville, VA)
1991701538FrRnd3ExposNScott Watkins (minors)-0.110027005.41.5204YrOklahoma State University (Stillwater, OK)
1991741551FrRnd2AstrosNMatt Beaumont (minors)HSRittman HS (Rittman, OH)
1991761556FrRnd1YankeesNTim Borys (minors)HSPrincess Margaret HS (Surrey, BC)
1991801570FrRnd3DodgersNIsmael Castaneda (minors)JCFresno City College (Fresno, CA)
1991831575FrRnd1AstrosNKoby Stovall (minors)HSSkyview HS (Billings, MT)
1991841577FrRnd1AstrosNDavid Vergara (minors)HSWestminster HS (Westminster, CA)
1991861581FrRnd1AstrosNRodney Ruelas (minors)HSNiles North HS (Skokie, IL)
1991911592FrRnd2DodgersNSteve Arffa (minors)HSGlendora HS (Glendora, CA)

*Compensation Picks
Ty Hill (Brewers-1) - Pick from Tigers as compensation for Free Agent Rob Deer
Allen Watson (Cardinals-1) - Pick from Blue Jays as compensation for Free Agent Ken Dayley
32. Justin Thompson (Tigers-1s) - Supplemental Pick for loss of Free Agent Jack Morris
33. Steve Whitaker (Giants-1s) - Supplemental Pick for loss of Free Agent Brett Butler
41. Trever Miller (Tigers-1s) - Supplemental Pick for loss of Free Agent Mike Heath

Other Years: 1990 / 1991 / 1992

199 matching player(s). 36 played in the majors (18%). Total of 75.0 WAR, or 2.1 per major leaguer.

DT Key

  • Blank - June Draft
  • 6sc - June Secondary
  • 6sa - June Secondary (normal, 1971 only)
  • 6sd - June Secondary (delayed, 1971 only)
  • 1rg - January Draft
  • 1sc - January Secondary Draft
  • 8lg - August Legion Draft

NOTES: We have not yet matched the 2024 debuts to their draft into. We hope to do so soon.
Please note that searches by state are not complete and not guaranteed to be accurate.
Players are listed regardless of whether they signed or not.
School names may change from year to year making it difficult to find all player drafted from a school.
Please let us know if you find what you believe is an error.

The 1965 draft had a major league and AAA section (rounds 1-3), a AA section (4-7) and A-ball sections (8+). Each team had one pick in rounds 1-7 (MLB, AAA, and AA picks). Starting with the 8th round teams received a pick for each A-ball team in their system in the reverse order of the affiliate finishes. Franchises that shared affiliates, alternated the picks round-by-round. This means that a franchise will have multiple picks in a "round". For presentation reasons here, we have re-labeled the rounds to be the number of the selection made by this franchise. This means that the Twins' 10th round pick could come after the Mets' 12th round pick.

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