943rd Picks Overall in the MLB June Amateur Draft

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943rd Picks Overall in the MLB June Amateur Draft

Other Picks: 942nd / 943rd / 944th

Drafted Players

  • Links to minor league stats are incomplete and may not indicate a player signing
Drafted Players Table
Year Rnd DT FrRnd RdPck Tm Signed Bonus Name Pos WAR G AB HR BA OPS G W L ERA WHIP SV Type Drafted Out of
201931FrRnd26BrewersNJohn Jones (minors)PJCSan Jacinto College, North Campus (Houston, TX)
201831FrRnd29IndiansY$100,000Jonathan Engelmann (minors)RF4YrUniversity of Michigan (Ann Arbor, MI)
201731FrRnd28NationalsYJeremy McKinney (minors)RHP4YrIndiana State University (Terre Haute, IN)
201631FrRnd27RoyalsY$147,500Malcolm Van Buren (minors)RHPHSHanahan HS (Hanahan, SC)
201531FrRnd28OriolesYWill Shepley (minors)LHP4YrUniversity of North Carolina at Wilmington (Wilmington, NC)
201431FrRnd28BravesYSal Giardina (minors)C4YrLynn University (Boca Raton, FL)
201331FrRnd27BravesNJohnny Slater (minors)CFHSSouthfield-Lathrup HS (Southfield, MI)
201231FrRnd5RoyalsNHayden Edwards (minors)RHPHSBlue Valley HS (Stilwell, KS)
201131FrRnd12MarlinsYKenny Jackson (minors)3B4YrTexas A&M University (College Station, TX)
201031FrRnd18TigersYMatt Little (minors)RHP4YrUniversity of Kentucky (Lexington, KY)
200931FrRnd22White SoxYRyan Hamme (minors)CF4YrCampbell University (Buies Creek, NC)
200831FrRnd21TigersYTrevor Feeney (minors)RHP4YrNorthern Illinois University (DeKalb, IL)
200731FrRnd9DiamondbacksNGary Bulman (minors)RHPHSGreenbrier Christian Academy (Chesapeake, VA)
200631FrRnd27Red SoxNLogan Schafer (minors)OF0.03186255.214.611JCCuesta College (San Luis Obispo, CA)
200531FrRnd23AngelsYTimothy Didjurgis (minors)RHP4YrRegis University (Denver, CO)
200432FrRnd2TigersYNate Bumstead (minors)RHP4YrLouisiana State University (Baton Rouge, LA)
200332FrRnd6CubsNAdam Tobler (minors)RHPHSRochelle Township HS (Rochelle, IL)
200232FrRnd1PiratesUnkAngel Colon (minors)OFHSSan Vicente De Paul HS (Toa Baja, Puerto Rico)
200131FrRnd27White SoxUnkNik Lubisich (minors)LHP4YrWillamette University (Salem, OR)
200032FrRnd3CubsNOrlando Diaz (minors)SSHSDowners Grove North HS (Downers Grove, IL)
199931FrRnd19Blue JaysNCharles Tasiaux (minors)RHPJCAhuntsic College (Cap-Rouge, QC)
199831FrRnd30DiamondbacksNCarl Makowsky (minors)RHPHSConroe HS (Conroe, TX)
199731FrRnd19MarinersNMatt Woodward (minors)1B4YrFlorida State University (Tallahassee, FL)
199632FrRnd8BrewersYTravis Tank (minors)RHP4YrUniversity of Wisconsin-Whitewater (Whitewater, WI)
199534FrRnd16GiantsNJustin Miller (minors)RHP1.216180.000.00021624144.821.500HSTorrance HS (Torrance, CA)
199434FrRnd12Red SoxNDave Maurer (minors)LHP-0.61710.000.00022118.872.060JCHoward College (Big Spring, TX)
199334FrRnd3AngelsNBrendon Cowsill (minors)3BHSCrescenta Valley HS (La Crescenta, CA)
199234FrRnd7GiantsNJason Maloney (minors)RHPJCFresno City College (Fresno, CA)
199136FrRnd12CubsNRamon Martinez (minors)SS
199035FrRnd21GiantsNMatt Castles (minors)LHPHSDavis HS (Davis, CA)
198936FrRnd23Red SoxYWillie Dukes (minors)OFJCMississippi Delta Community College (Moorhead, MS)
198837FrRnd2IndiansYDan Williams (minors)C4YrWestern Oregon University (Monmouth, OR)
198737FrRnd9RoyalsYDerek Sholl (minors)OFJCLos Angeles Harbor College (Wilmington, CA)
196946FrRnd3TwinsNMichael Dlugach (minors)CHSOverton HS (Memphis, TN)
196763FrRnd3OriolesNMike Young (minors)RHPJCCollege of San Mateo (San Mateo, CA)

Other Picks: 942nd / 943rd / 944th

35 matching player(s). 3 played in the majors (8%). Total of 0.6 WAR, or 0.2 per major leaguer.

DT Key

  • Blank - June Draft
  • 6sc - June Secondary
  • 6sa - June Secondary (normal, 1971 only)
  • 6sd - June Secondary (delayed, 1971 only)
  • 1rg - January Draft
  • 1sc - January Secondary Draft
  • 8lg - August Legion Draft

NOTES: We have not yet matched the 2024 debuts to their draft into. We hope to do so soon.
Please note that searches by state are not complete and not guaranteed to be accurate.
Players are listed regardless of whether they signed or not.
School names may change from year to year making it difficult to find all player drafted from a school.
Please let us know if you find what you believe is an error.

The 1965 draft had a major league and AAA section (rounds 1-3), a AA section (4-7) and A-ball sections (8+). Each team had one pick in rounds 1-7 (MLB, AAA, and AA picks). Starting with the 8th round teams received a pick for each A-ball team in their system in the reverse order of the affiliate finishes. Franchises that shared affiliates, alternated the picks round-by-round. This means that a franchise will have multiple picks in a "round". For presentation reasons here, we have re-labeled the rounds to be the number of the selection made by this franchise. This means that the Twins' 10th round pick could come after the Mets' 12th round pick.

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