565th Picks Overall in the MLB June Amateur Draft

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565th Picks Overall in the MLB June Amateur Draft

Other Picks: 564th / 565th / 566th

Drafted Players

  • Links to minor league stats are incomplete and may not indicate a player signing
Drafted Players Table
Year Rnd DT FrRnd RdPck Tm Signed Bonus Name Pos WAR G AB HR BA OPS G W L ERA WHIP SV Type Drafted Out of
202419FrRnd10GuardiansY$55,000Cam Schuelke (minors)P4YrMississippi State University (Mississippi State, MS)
202319FrRnd11DiamondbacksY$5,000Wyatt Crenshaw (minors)2B4YrArizona State University (Tempe, AZ)
202219FrRnd9RoyalsNTommy Szczepanski (minors)PHSGarber HS (Essexville, MI)
202119FrRnd13PhilliesNSeth Halvorsen (minors)P0.610012211.460.8124YrUniversity of Missouri (Columbia, MO)
201919FrRnd8RangersY$5,000Blaine Crim (minors)1B4YrMississippi College (Clinton, MS)
201819FrRnd11OriolesY$125,000Andrew Jayne (minors)CFHSTerry Sanford HS (Fayetteville, NC)
201719FrRnd10AngelsYIsaac Mattson (minors)RHP0.00007005.591.6604YrUniversity of Pittsburgh (Pittsburgh, PA)
201619FrRnd9TigersYDustin Frailey (minors)CF4YrCalifornia State University, Bakersfield (Bakersfield, CA)
201519FrRnd10RedsNMike Salvatore (minors)RHPHSEwing HS (Ewing, NJ)
201419FrRnd10MetsYBryce Beeler (minors)RHP4YrUniversity of Memphis (Memphis, TN)
201319FrRnd9Blue JaysYChristian Vazquez (minors)SS4YrLubbock Christian University (Lubbock, TX)
201218FrRnd17Blue JaysY$100,000Estevan Gonzalez (minors)LHPJCGlendale Community College (Glendale, CA)
201118FrRnd24RedsYJimmy Moran (minors)RHP4YrUniversity of South Florida (Tampa, FL)
201018FrRnd30YankeesNKevin Jacob (minors)RHP4YrGeorgia Institute of Technology (Atlanta, GA)
200919FrRnd4PiratesNJosh Urban (minors)RHPHSDripping Springs HS (Dripping Springs, TX)
200819FrRnd3RoyalsYMiguel Moctezuma (minors)C4YrUniversity of Central Oklahoma (Edmond, OK)
200718FrRnd21Blue JaysNChris Corrigan (minors)RHPJCSan Jacinto College (Pasadena, TX)
200619FrRnd9OriolesYTodd Davison (minors)SS4YrUniversity of Delaware (Newark, DE)
200519FrRnd5BrewersYPat Ryan (minors)RHP4YrEmbry-Riddle Aeronautical University (Daytona Beach, FL)
200419FrRnd14RoyalsNKade Keowen (minors)1BHSCentral HS (Baton Rouge, LA)
200319FrRnd18PhilliesYJoe Diefenderfer (minors)LHP4YrSanta Clara University (Santa Clara, CA)
200219FrRnd13PadresNSpencer Grogan (minors)LHPJCOkaloosa-Walton College (Niceville, FL)
200119FrRnd9RoyalsYMervin Williams (minors)OFHSEast St. John HS (Reserve, LA)
200019FrRnd15PhilliesUnkDavid Hoffman (minors)LHP4YrBradley University (Peoria, IL)
199919FrRnd1Devil RaysYGing Aaron (minors)2BJCSanta Ana College (Santa Ana, CA)
199819FrRnd12Red SoxYShon Norris (minors)RHP4YrUniversity of North Carolina at Asheville (Asheville, NC)
199719FrRnd1TigersYJeremy Sassanella (minors)CHSDeKalb HS (Waterloo, IN)
199619FrRnd20AngelsYBrian Ussery (minors)C4YrUniversity of Tampa (Tampa, FL)
199521FrRnd2PadresNAaron Looper (minors)RHP0.00006005.141.290HSByng HS (Ada, OK)
199420FrRnd26White SoxYJeremy Griffith (minors)RHPHSEtowah HS (Attalla, AL)
199320FrRnd17White SoxYBrian Woods (minors)RHP4YrFairleigh Dickinson University (Teaneck, NJ)
199220FrRnd21BravesYJason Shelley (minors)1BHSVallejo HS (Vallejo, CA)
199121FrRnd24PiratesYTre Bogan (minors)OFJCLinn-Benton Community College (Albany, OR)
199021FrRnd7RedsNMark Fields (minors)OFHSGeorge Washington Preparatory HS (Los Angeles, CA)
198922FrRnd9AngelsYDavid Rice (minors)RHP4YrCalifornia State Polytechnic University, Pomona (Pomona, CA)
198822FrRnd14MarinersYJeff Miller (minors)CJCNormandale Community College (Bloomington, MN)
198722FrRnd13BrewersYDaniel Russell (minors)1B4YrMoorpark College (Moorpark, CA)
198622FrRnd16OriolesYMark Morawski (minors)2B4YrEckerd College (St. Petersburg, FL)
198522FrRnd17RoyalsYGene Morgan (minors)RHP4YrMississippi State University (Mississippi State, MS)
198422FrRnd18BravesYGreg Tubbs (minors)OF-0.135591.186.5894YrAustin Peay State University (Clarksville, TN)
198322FrRnd22CardinalsYSal Agostinelli (minors)C4YrSlippery Rock University of Pennsylvania (Slippery Rock, PA)
198222FrRnd19TigersYPaul Sokolowski (minors)1B4YrSan Diego State University (San Diego, CA)
198122FrRnd20BrewersYCharles Dinkins (minors)LHP4YrSouthern University and A&M College (Baton Rouge, LA)
198022FrRnd21YankeesYJohn Gaston (minors)RHP4YrUniversity of Nevada, Reno (Reno, NV)
197922FrRnd20RoyalsYDavid Luethy (minors)SS4YrUniversity of Oklahoma (Norman, OK)
197823FrRnd7BrewersNBernard Mayles (minors)RHPHSTurner Ashby HS (Bridgewater, VA)
197723FrRnd3BrewersNLarry Reasonover (minors)3BJCGulf Coast State College (Panama City, FL)
197624FrRnd17PiratesYBob Long (minors)RHP0.1540.000.20033124.51.3804YrShorter University (Rome, GA)
197524FrRnd19RedsNSteve Muccio (minors)SSHSDeWitt Clinton HS (Bronx, NY)
197426FrRnd10RoyalsNMike Parker (minors)3BHSStart HS (Toledo, OH)
197325FrRnd7BravesYLeland Byrd (minors)SSHSGainesville HS (Gainesville, GA)
197224FrRnd18TigersYAllen Szaroleta (minors)RHPHSSt. Joseph's HS (Metuchen, NJ)
197124FrRnd13Red SoxNRichard Seid (minors)CHSOak Park HS (Oak Park, MI)
197024FrRnd6White SoxYAllan Paganucci (minors)RHP4YrUniversity of San Francisco (San Francisco, CA)
196924FrRnd13Red SoxUnkDonald Rhoton (minors)SSHSFranklin County HS (Winchester, TN)
196825FrRnd12AngelsYSteven Romero (minors)RHPHSSimi Valley HS (Simi Valley, CA)
196729FrRnd18DodgersYJim Flynn (minors)RHPHSTheodore Roosevelt HS (Fresno, CA)
196629FrRnd8YankeesNJohn Lee (minors)INF4YrLinfield University (McMinnville, OR)
196526FrRndRedsNPaul Reuschel (minors)RHP2.3164320.063.17719816164.511.4613HSCamp Point Central HS (Camp Point, IL)

Other Picks: 564th / 565th / 566th

59 matching player(s). 6 played in the majors (10%). Total of 2.9 WAR, or 0.5 per major leaguer.

DT Key

  • Blank - June Draft
  • 6sc - June Secondary
  • 6sa - June Secondary (normal, 1971 only)
  • 6sd - June Secondary (delayed, 1971 only)
  • 1rg - January Draft
  • 1sc - January Secondary Draft
  • 8lg - August Legion Draft

NOTES: We have not yet matched the 2024 debuts to their draft into. We hope to do so soon.
Please note that searches by state are not complete and not guaranteed to be accurate.
Players are listed regardless of whether they signed or not.
School names may change from year to year making it difficult to find all player drafted from a school.
Please let us know if you find what you believe is an error.

The 1965 draft had a major league and AAA section (rounds 1-3), a AA section (4-7) and A-ball sections (8+). Each team had one pick in rounds 1-7 (MLB, AAA, and AA picks). Starting with the 8th round teams received a pick for each A-ball team in their system in the reverse order of the affiliate finishes. Franchises that shared affiliates, alternated the picks round-by-round. This means that a franchise will have multiple picks in a "round". For presentation reasons here, we have re-labeled the rounds to be the number of the selection made by this franchise. This means that the Twins' 10th round pick could come after the Mets' 12th round pick.

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