273rd Picks Overall in the MLB June Amateur Draft

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273rd Picks Overall in the MLB June Amateur Draft

Other Picks: 272nd / 273rd / 274th

Drafted Players

  • Links to minor league stats are incomplete and may not indicate a player signing
Drafted Players Table
Year Rnd DT FrRnd RdPck Tm Signed Bonus Name Pos WAR G AB HR BA OPS G W L ERA WHIP SV Type Drafted Out of
20249FrRnd18MarinersY$250,000Aiden Butler (minors)PJCPolk State College (Winter Haven, FL)
20239FrRnd19RaysY$22,500Dalton Fowler (minors)P4YrUniversity of Memphis (Memphis, TN)
20229FrRnd17RedsY$47,500Rob Hensey (minors)P4YrMonmouth University (West Long Branch, NJ)
20219FrRnd21YankeesY$150,000Chandler Champlain (minors)P4YrUniversity of Southern California (Los Angeles, CA)
20199FrRnd16NationalsY$152,600Hunter McMahon (minors)P4YrTexas State University (San Marcos, TX)
20189FrRnd19CardinalsY$5,000Matt Duce (minors)C4YrDallas Baptist University (Dallas, TX)
20179FrRnd18MarinersY$150,000Jorge Benitez (minors)LHPHSLeadership Christian Academy (Guaynabo, Puerto Rico)
20169FrRnd17TwinsY$90,000Mitchell Kranson (minors)C4YrUniversity of California, Berkeley (Berkeley, CA)
20159FrRnd18YankeesY$5,000Ryan Krill (minors)1B4YrMichigan State University (East Lansing, MI)
20149FrRnd18RoyalsY$5,000Brandon Thomasson (minors)OF4YrTennessee Technological University (Cookeville, TN)
20139FrRnd17White SoxY$10,000Nick Blount (minors)RHPJCSouthern Polytechnic State University (Marietta, GA)
20128FrRnd25DiamondbacksY$132,900Evan Marzilli (minors)CF4YrUniversity of South Carolina (Columbia, SC)
20119FrRnd2MarinersY$650,000Cavan Cohoes (minors)SSHSPatch HS (Stuttgart, Germany)
20109FrRnd8AstrosY$100,000Tommy Shirley (minors)LHP4YrXavier University (Cincinnati, OH)
20099FrRnd12AthleticsY$90,000Myrio Richard (minors)CF4YrPrairie View A&M University (Prairie View, TX)
20089FrRnd11RangersY$123,300Jared Bolden (minors)OF4YrVirginia Commonwealth University (Richmond, VA)
20078FrRnd29MetsY$75,000Daniel McDonald (minors)RHP4YrSeton Hall University (South Orange, NJ)
20069FrRnd17PadresY$6,000David Freese (minors)3B18.711843758113.277.7754YrUniversity of South Alabama (Mobile, AL)
20059FrRnd13OriolesY$25,000Paco Figueroa (minors)2B4YrUniversity of Miami (Coral Gables, FL)
20049FrRnd22MarinersY$70,000Jeff Dominguez (minors)SSHSPuerto Rico Baseball Academy (Gurabo, Puerto Rico)
20039FrRnd26GiantsY$90,000Kellen Ludwig (minors)RHPJCChipola College (Marianna, FL)
20029FrRnd21CubsYAdam Greenberg (minors)OF210.000.5004YrUniversity of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (Chapel Hill, NC)
20019FrRnd17Red SoxYBilly Simon (minors)RHPHSWellington HS (Wellington, FL)
20009FrRnd23RedsYBryan Edwards (minors)RHPJCNortheast Texas Community College (Mount Pleasant, TX)
19999FrRnd9AthleticsYKirk Asche (minors)OF4YrJacksonville University (Jacksonville, FL)
19989FrRnd20IndiansYPaul Day (minors)3B4YrCalifornia State University, Long Beach (Long Beach, CA)
19979FrRnd9TwinsYJon Schaeffer (minors)C4YrStanford University (Palo Alto, CA)
19969FrRnd28IndiansYSean DePaula (minors)RHP-0.400029116.751.7004YrWake Forest University (Winston-Salem, NC)
199510FrRnd18MetsYDan Murray (minors)RHP-0.110015005.761.6504YrSan Diego State University (San Diego, CA)
199410FrRnd14MarinersYDoug Carroll (minors)OF4YrUniversity of South Florida (Tampa, FL)
199310FrRnd5RoyalsNTom Buchman (minors)CHSShawnee Mission South HS (Overland Park, KS)
199210FrRnd9MetsYDerek Baker (minors)RHPJCGlendale Community College (Glendale, CA)
199110FrRnd18DodgersYLonnie Jackson (minors)OFHSGeorge Washington HS (Oakland, CA)
199010FrRnd11YankeesYDarren Hodges (minors)RHP4YrFerrum College (Ferrum, VA)
198911FrRnd3MarinersNCharlie Greene (minors)C-0.655750.173.422HSMiami Killian HS (Miami, FL)
198811FrRnd8AngelsYScott Lewis (minors)RHP0.900074995.011.5104YrUniversity of Nevada, Las Vegas (Paradise, NV)
198711FrRnd7OriolesNMike Mussina (minors)RHP82.822520.173.3815372701533.681.190HSMontoursville HS (Montoursville, PA)
198611FrRnd10TwinsNTodd Wilson (minors)LHPHSBillings HS (Billings, MT)
198511FrRnd11AthleticsNDave Richards (minors)LHPHSGrossmont HS (La Mesa, CA)
198411FrRnd11PadresYMickey Kazmierski (minors)RHP4YrTexas Christian University (Fort Worth, TX)
198311FrRnd11IndiansYSteve Smith (minors)OF4YrOregon State University (Corvallis, OR)
198211FrRnd11GiantsYRandy Morse (minors)LHP4YrCentral Michigan University (Mount Pleasant, MI)
198111FrRnd14PiratesYSteve Susce (minors)RHP4YrMississippi State University (Mississippi State, MS)
198011FrRnd14RangersYTim Henry (minors)LHP4YrTexas Wesleyan University (Fort Worth, TX)
197911FrRnd13TigersYAnthony Barraco (minors)CHSDe La Salle HS (Concord, CA)
197811FrRnd13CubsNMark Lohuis (minors)RHP4YrCalifornia State University, Fresno (Fresno, CA)
197711FrRnd13Red SoxNBill Swiacki (minors)RHP4YrAmherst College (Amherst, MA)
197612FrRnd9ExposNNick Capra (minors)2B-0.145541.167.503HSAbraham Lincoln HS (Denver, CO)
197512FrRnd9RoyalsYJoe Rothwell (minors)CHSOak Hills HS (Cincinnati, OH)
197412FrRnd9ExposYRobert Woodland (minors)OF4YrHoward University (Washington, DC)
197312FrRnd9RoyalsYChris Evers (minors)RHPHSWayzata HS (Plymouth, MN)
197212FrRnd9AstrosNRoy Lee Jackson (minors)RHP5.566310.194.45228028343.771.3134HSOpelika HS (Opelika, AL)
197112FrRnd2PadresYMike Caldwell (minors)LHP18.42372160.157.3624751371303.811.32184YrNorth Carolina State University (Raleigh, NC)
197012FrRnd2IndiansYJames Beyersdorf (minors)RHPHSFreeland HS (Freeland, MI)
196912FrRnd9AthleticsNJohn Adeimy (minors)SSHSForest Hill HS (West Palm Beach, FL)
196812FrRnd21NationalsYJohn Palmer (minors)LHP4YrUniversity of Minnesota (Minneapolis, MN)
196714FrRnd13White SoxYGerald Hall (minors)CHSWestern HS (Buena Park, CA)
196614FrRnd13RedsYDon Goodwin (minors)SSHSEdison HS (Stockton, CA)
196515FrRndOriolesYQuash Thompson (minors)RHPHSJones HS (Orlando, FL)

Other Picks: 272nd / 273rd / 274th

59 matching player(s). 10 played in the majors (16%). Total of 125.1 WAR, or 12.5 per major leaguer.

DT Key

  • Blank - June Draft
  • 6sc - June Secondary
  • 6sa - June Secondary (normal, 1971 only)
  • 6sd - June Secondary (delayed, 1971 only)
  • 1rg - January Draft
  • 1sc - January Secondary Draft
  • 8lg - August Legion Draft

NOTES: We have not yet matched the 2024 debuts to their draft into. We hope to do so soon.
Please note that searches by state are not complete and not guaranteed to be accurate.
Players are listed regardless of whether they signed or not.
School names may change from year to year making it difficult to find all player drafted from a school.
Please let us know if you find what you believe is an error.

The 1965 draft had a major league and AAA section (rounds 1-3), a AA section (4-7) and A-ball sections (8+). Each team had one pick in rounds 1-7 (MLB, AAA, and AA picks). Starting with the 8th round teams received a pick for each A-ball team in their system in the reverse order of the affiliate finishes. Franchises that shared affiliates, alternated the picks round-by-round. This means that a franchise will have multiple picks in a "round". For presentation reasons here, we have re-labeled the rounds to be the number of the selection made by this franchise. This means that the Twins' 10th round pick could come after the Mets' 12th round pick.

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