MLB Amateur Draft Picks who came from "Southwestern College (Chula Vista, CA)"

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MLB Amateur Draft Picks who came from "Southwestern College (Chula Vista, CA)"

MLB Players from this school

Drafted Players

  • Links to minor league stats are incomplete and may not indicate a player signing
Drafted Players Table
Year Rnd DT OvPck FrRnd RdPck Tm Signed Bonus Name Pos WAR G AB HR BA OPS G W L ERA WHIP SV Type
201526771FrRnd6Red SoxNKevin Ginkel (minors)RHP1.960002382183.471.2313JC
201416478FrRnd13GiantsNKevin Ginkel (minors)RHP1.960002382183.471.2313JC
201324736FrRnd30NationalsYMatthew DeRosier (minors)RHPJC
201333998FrRnd22RaysYHector Montes (minors)3BJC
200721640FrRnd6NationalsYAnthony Benner (minors)3BJC
200625745FrRnd9OriolesNDonald Anderson (minors)RHPJC
2006371103FrRnd7DodgersNAnthony Benner (minors)3BJC
2006441305FrRnd1RoyalsY$150,000Bryan Paukovits (minors)RHPJC
2006451334FrRnd1RoyalsNEric Martinez (minors)RHPJC
2004431297FrRnd28GiantsNJack Spradlin (minors)LHPJC
200312338FrRnd1Devil RaysYJohn Jaso (minors)C10.9808222455.258.763JC
2000361072FrRnd12White SoxYArmando Perez (minors)LHPJC
199921639FrRnd15White SoxYDan Martinez (minors)LHPJC
199731939FrRnd15White SoxNMichael Malonee (minors)LHPJC
1996431285FrRnd23Red SoxNJamaon Halbig (minors)CJC
1996471385FrRnd20YankeesNNathan Dighera (minors)OFJC
1996711660FrRnd4YankeesNAdrian Mora (minors)2BJC
1996961734FrRnd1YankeesNJose Garcia (minors)LHPJC
1995401122FrRnd27YankeesNLateef Vaughn (minors)SSJC
1995531429FrRnd17White SoxYManuel Lutz (minors)3BJC
199427741FrRnd6AngelsYSaul Rodriguez (minors)SSJC
199311316FrRnd20RedsYJoel Franklin (minors)RHPJC
199320554FrRnd6GiantsYBobby Rector (minors)RHPJC
1993541456FrRnd6TigersNKiko Palacios (minors)CJC
199223639FrRnd11CubsYPaul Stojsavljevic (minors)CJC
199117442FrRnd5BrewersYChad O'Laughlin (minors)LHPJC
199124626FrRnd7RoyalsNJoe Carrillo (minors)LHPJC
1991511309FrRnd8MarinersNMark Fields (minors)OFJC
199012331FrRnd15BrewersYMarshall Boze (minors)RHP-0.800025027.792.231JC
199012335FrRnd19Red SoxYDavid Schmidt (minors)2BJC
198631rg53FrRnd1IndiansYJim Baxter (minors)CJC
198691rg224FrRnd17TigersNRoddy Wilburn (minors)RHPJC
1986101rg254FrRnd22RoyalsNRon Tyson (minors)OFJC
1986141rg315FrRnd6AstrosNAaron Rico (minors)RHPJC
198640856FrRnd4AstrosNBrian Thornbury (minors)INFJC
1985131rg280FrRnd1BrewersNWilliam Schutt (minors)RHPJC
198411rg3FrRnd3IndiansNTommy Hinzo (minors)SS-0.2852743.248.620JC
198431rg63FrRnd11RangersNJon Kolb (minors)RHPJC
198431rg75FrRnd23TigersNMarc D'Andrea (minors)LHPJC
1984111rg266FrRnd11BrewersNJimmy Barragan (minors)1BJC
1984121rg283FrRnd11BrewersNGary Stacy (minors)OFJC
198416sc1FrRnd1MetsNTommy Hinzo (minors)2B-0.2852743.248.620JC
198426sc37FrRnd12PiratesYJon Kolb (minors)RHPJC
1983201rg332FrRnd1RoyalsNManny Salinas (minors)SSJC
198241rg101FrRnd23OriolesNRomy Cucjen (minors)INFJC
1982101rg236FrRnd9White SoxNRon Herring (minors)RHPJC
198235802FrRnd2GiantsYBrice Proctor (minors)2BJC
198121rg29FrRnd3MetsYSteve Ray (minors)LHPJC
198061rg146FrRnd17AngelsNSteve Ray (minors)LHPJC
1980111rg231FrRnd8AngelsNJames Tunell (minors)RHPJC
197941rg88FrRnd10White SoxNTim Kammeyer (minors)RHPJC
197871rg158FrRnd12White SoxNKen Hallin (minors)RHPJC
197841sc64FrRnd1TwinsYHarold Washington (minors)OFJC
197791rg182FrRnd9AthleticsNRicky Allen (minors)OFJC
197741sc58FrRnd1AthleticsNPreston Banks (minors)3BJC
197641rg75FrRnd3PadresNMilton Smith (minors)3BJC
197512270FrRnd6MetsYGene Bardot (minors)RHPJC
197451rg99FrRnd12MetsNAnthony Castro (minors)OFJC
197461rg111FrRnd7TwinsNNeal Patton (minors)RHPJC
197426sc25FrRnd4MetsYAnthony Castro (minors)OFJC
197021rg32FrRnd8AstrosNKent Froede (minors)OFJC
197051sc109FrRnd12PadresYRoger Gregg (minors)CJC
196923542FrRnd14RedsNRoger Gregg (minors)CJC
196725483FrRnd8AngelsYJohn Jackson (minors)3BJC

57 matching player(s). 4 played in the majors (7%). Total of 11.8 WAR, or 3.0 per major leaguer.

DT Key

  • Blank - June Draft
  • 6sc - June Secondary
  • 6sa - June Secondary (normal, 1971 only)
  • 6sd - June Secondary (delayed, 1971 only)
  • 1rg - January Draft
  • 1sc - January Secondary Draft
  • 8lg - August Legion Draft

NOTES: We have not yet matched the 2024 debuts to their draft into. We hope to do so soon.
Please note that searches by state are not complete and not guaranteed to be accurate.
Players are listed regardless of whether they signed or not.
School names may change from year to year making it difficult to find all player drafted from a school.
Please let us know if you find what you believe is an error.

The 1965 draft had a major league and AAA section (rounds 1-3), a AA section (4-7) and A-ball sections (8+). Each team had one pick in rounds 1-7 (MLB, AAA, and AA picks). Starting with the 8th round teams received a pick for each A-ball team in their system in the reverse order of the affiliate finishes. Franchises that shared affiliates, alternated the picks round-by-round. This means that a franchise will have multiple picks in a "round". For presentation reasons here, we have re-labeled the rounds to be the number of the selection made by this franchise. This means that the Twins' 10th round pick could come after the Mets' 12th round pick.

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