MLB Amateur Draft Picks who came from "Hillsborough Community College (Tampa, FL)"

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MLB Amateur Draft Picks who came from "Hillsborough Community College (Tampa, FL)"

MLB Players from this school

Drafted Players

  • Links to minor league stats are incomplete and may not indicate a player signing
Drafted Players Table
Year Rnd DT OvPck FrRnd RdPck Tm Signed Bonus Name Pos WAR G AB HR BA OPS G W L ERA WHIP SV Type
202420592FrRnd7AngelsY$150,000Zach Redner (minors)PJC
201928840FrRnd13PhilliesY$125,000Carlos Francisco (minors)PJC
201815463FrRnd29IndiansY$175,000Bryan Lavastida (minors)C-0.16120.083.350JC
201817524FrRnd30DodgersY$147,500Aldrich De Jongh (minors)OFJC
201823700FrRnd26Red SoxY$125,000Ryan Fernandez (minors)RHP1.020062163.511.352JC
201615461FrRnd25DodgersY$122,500Brayan Morales (minors)CFJC
20156179FrRnd14MetsY$195,000Chase Ingram (minors)RHPJC
2015351042FrRnd7White SoxND.J. King (minors)SSJC
201417510FrRnd15DiamondbacksYMike Abreu (minors)2BJC
201431916FrRnd1AstrosYDexture McCall (minors)1BJC
201316487FrRnd21AngelsY$100,000Ryan Etsell (minors)RHPJC
2013371103FrRnd7Red SoxNMax Watt (minors)RHPJC
201220625FrRnd17Blue JaysY$100,000D.J. Jones (minors)CFJC
2011461395FrRnd14AngelsY$140,000Michael Johnson (minors)LHPJC
201017508FrRnd3OriolesYDavid Richardson (minors)LFJC
2009384FrRnd4PiratesY$423,900Evan Chambers (minors)CFJC
200918561FrRnd30AngelsY$100,000James Mallard (minors)1BJC
200819576FrRnd14TwinsYBruce Pugh (minors)RHPJC
2007351056FrRnd6NationalsNAlex Floyd (minors)OFJC
2007381141FrRnd6NationalsYShane Erb (minors)RHPJC
20059283FrRnd23AngelsY$152,000Robert Mosebach (minors)RHP-0.10003007.713.000JC
200412354FrRnd13ExposNRobert Mosebach (minors)OF-0.10003007.713.000JC
200427794FrRnd3MetsYBryant Suggs (minors)OFJC
2004401191FrRnd10RangersYTony Irvin (minors)RHPJC
200228827FrRnd5ExposNTony Irvin (minors)RHPJC
2002371111FrRnd19DodgersNJonathan Riggleman (minors)3BJC
2002441311FrRnd10AngelsYWayne Hedden (minors)RHPJC
2001381140FrRnd14PadresYAnthony Lester (minors)OFJC
2000431294FrRnd27DiamondbacksYCarlton Wells (minors)LHPJC
1999371114FrRnd10BrewersNDevin Butler (minors)1BJC
1999391168FrRnd4DiamondbacksNCarlton Wells (minors)LHPJC
1997391191FrRnd27IndiansNBrandon Wheeler (minors)RHPJC
1996260FrRnd25RedsYRandi Mallard (minors)RHPJC
1995371026FrRnd15Red SoxNAngel Diaz (minors)CJC
1994381058FrRnd15CubsNChad Helmer (minors)RHPJC
199319523FrRnd3AngelsYJeff Bawlson (minors)LHPJC
1993511390FrRnd3AngelsNBill Perusek (minors)RHPJC
1993541453FrRnd3AngelsNMatt Schafer (minors)CJC
199117455FrRnd18DodgersYChad Zerbe (minors)LHP0.5107200.150.300114613.871.360JC
199128734FrRnd11MarinersNJimmy Riggio (minors)RHPJC
1991411065FrRnd5BrewersNBrad Gay (minors)CJC
1991511312FrRnd11TigersNReggie Jackson (minors)LHPJC
199031844FrRnd26AthleticsYScott Rose (minors)RHPJC
1990531321FrRnd12AstrosNBrian McGlone (minors)SSJC
19897178FrRnd12AstrosYGershon Dallas (minors)OFJC
198916404FrRnd4PhilliesNJim Savage (minors)3BJC
198935902FrRnd8CubsYRandy Sodders (minors)2BJC
1989461187FrRnd15BrewersNScott Rose (minors)RHPJC
1989551352FrRnd2MarinersNBrian McGlone (minors)SSJC
1989561369FrRnd4CardinalsYAlgerian Williams (minors)RHPJC
1989581402FrRnd12AthleticsNWilliam Rose (SELECTION VOIDED) PJC
198826666FrRnd11PhilliesNJamie Allen (minors)LHPJC
198827693FrRnd12Red SoxNMark Mitchelson (minors)LHPJC
198837951FrRnd10White SoxUnkBrian Stephens (minors)OFJC
1988431116FrRnd23Blue JaysNMatt Sines (minors)RHPJC
1988511258FrRnd5AstrosNRoss Macaluso (minors)SSJC
198723593FrRnd15IndiansYFrank Sommerkamp (minors)CJC
198734863FrRnd1MarinersYScott Pitcher (minors)RHPJC
1987671252FrRnd2Blue JaysNEric Cullens (minors)SSJC
198641rg83FrRnd5BrewersNAllen Rutledge (minors)INFJC
198651rg109FrRnd5BrewersYTerry Brown (minors)INFJC
198620522FrRnd25YankeesYKevin Crofton (minors)CJC
198646sc69FrRnd2RangersNAllen Rutledge (minors)INFJC
1982101rg229FrRnd2TwinsNMarty Reed (minors)LHPJC
198211sc18FrRnd18RangersYChris Joslin (minors)LHPJC
1981141rg277FrRnd4TwinsNErnie Moya (minors)RHPJC
198123587FrRnd17TigersYChristopher Goodyear (minors)3BJC
198126sc40FrRnd14TigersYErnie Moya (minors)RHPJC
198091rg201FrRnd6TwinsNErnie Moya (minors)RHPJC
198021sc49FrRnd23IndiansYCharles Hollowell (minors)LHPJC
198031sc60FrRnd11IndiansNMitch Seoane (minors)2BJC
198026sc38FrRnd12TigersNMitch Seoane (minors)2BJC
197911sc25FrRnd25YankeesYChuck Hernández (minors)LHPJC
197831rg64FrRnd12AstrosNJoe Collins (minors)RHPJC
197821sc36FrRnd10ExposNLarry Reasonover (minors)3BJC
197741rg90FrRnd12IndiansYNorm Churchill (minors)LHPJC
197717441FrRnd25MarinersYJames Knight (minors)LHPJC
197628630FrRnd9IndiansNGary Hinson (minors)SSJC
197528622FrRnd6PhilliesYLouis Reyes (minors)CJC
1974101rg155FrRnd1IndiansNGarry Hancock (minors)OF-1.927357012.247.62010000.000JC
197416sc4FrRnd4RangersNGarry Hancock (minors)OF-1.927357012.247.62010000.000JC
197341rg78FrRnd10MetsNThomas Guess (minors)1BJC
196611rg13FrRnd13TigersYTim Marting (minors)SSJC

73 matching player(s). 5 played in the majors (6%). Total of -0.6 WAR, or -0.1 per major leaguer.

DT Key

  • Blank - June Draft
  • 6sc - June Secondary
  • 6sa - June Secondary (normal, 1971 only)
  • 6sd - June Secondary (delayed, 1971 only)
  • 1rg - January Draft
  • 1sc - January Secondary Draft
  • 8lg - August Legion Draft

NOTES: We have not yet matched the 2024 debuts to their draft into. We hope to do so soon.
Please note that searches by state are not complete and not guaranteed to be accurate.
Players are listed regardless of whether they signed or not.
School names may change from year to year making it difficult to find all player drafted from a school.
Please let us know if you find what you believe is an error.

The 1965 draft had a major league and AAA section (rounds 1-3), a AA section (4-7) and A-ball sections (8+). Each team had one pick in rounds 1-7 (MLB, AAA, and AA picks). Starting with the 8th round teams received a pick for each A-ball team in their system in the reverse order of the affiliate finishes. Franchises that shared affiliates, alternated the picks round-by-round. This means that a franchise will have multiple picks in a "round". For presentation reasons here, we have re-labeled the rounds to be the number of the selection made by this franchise. This means that the Twins' 10th round pick could come after the Mets' 12th round pick.

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