MLB Amateur Draft Picks who came from "Ohio University (Athens, OH)"

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MLB Amateur Draft Picks who came from "Ohio University (Athens, OH)"

MLB Players from this school

Drafted Players

  • Links to minor league stats are incomplete and may not indicate a player signing
Drafted Players Table
Year Rnd DT OvPck FrRnd RdPck Tm Signed Bonus Name Pos WAR G AB HR BA OPS G W L ERA WHIP SV Type
2021268FrRnd32RockiesY$953,100Joe Rock (minors)P4Yr
20199270FrRnd13PhilliesY$10,000Rudy Rott (minors)1B4Yr
201614422FrRnd16IndiansY$100,000Mitch Longo (minors)LF4Yr
201521617FrRnd2RockiesYLogan Cozart (minors)RHP4Yr
2013371105FrRnd9Blue JaysYBrett Barber (minors)RHP4Yr
20126199FrRnd11AthleticsY$183,500Seth Streich (minors)RHP4Yr
20106201FrRnd26PhilliesY$140,000Gauntlett Eldemire (minors)CF4Yr
201018547FrRnd12RedsYRobert Maddox (minors)LF4Yr
2010341044FrRnd29AngelsYJerod Yakubik (minors)1B4Yr
2009264FrRnd15DiamondbacksY$550,000Marc Krauss (minors)LF-1.414639812.188.5794Yr
200827809FrRnd7RedsYMatt Stiffler (minors)OF4Yr
200626774FrRnd8RedsYAnthony Gressick (minors)RHP4Yr
200628832FrRnd6TigersYDerek Witt (minors)RHP4Yr
200526789FrRnd19RangersYBen Crabtree (minors)C4Yr
20046179FrRnd18White SoxY$140,000Adam Russell (minors)RHP0.33210.000.00085833.951.5504Yr
200419561FrRnd10RangersYMarc Cornell (minors)RHP4Yr
2004361080FrRnd19CardinalsYChris Bova (minors)RHP4Yr
20035141FrRnd14RedsNMarc Cornell (minors)RHP4Yr
200310286FrRnd9RangersY$58,000Adam Fox (minors)3B4Yr
200322666FrRnd29DiamondbacksYWalt Novosel (minors)LHP4Yr
200114413FrRnd7OriolesYCory Keylor (minors)OF4Yr
2001351047FrRnd11TigersYCharles Lombardy (minors)RHP4Yr
19986177FrRnd14TigersYBobby Sismondo (minors)LHP4Yr
19976187FrRnd13BrewersYJake Eye (minors)RHP4Yr
199711341FrRnd17Red SoxYTom Miller (minors)LHP4Yr
199713400FrRnd16AstrosNBart Leahy (minors)OF4Yr
199731944FrRnd20CardinalsYBrady Gick (minors)C4Yr
199619564FrRnd19AstrosNJake Eye (minors)RHP4Yr
19956168FrRnd25White SoxYCraig Hunt (minors)LHP4Yr
1995461269FrRnd9TigersYMatt Engleka (minors)SS4Yr
199411313FrRnd26White SoxYRuss Herbert (minors)RHP4Yr
199312330FrRnd6GiantsYKris Franko (minors)LHP4Yr
199330844FrRnd16CardinalsYCory Corrigan (minors)RHP4Yr
1993431206FrRnd14RangersYJoe Morvay (minors)RHP4Yr
199211307FrRnd15CardinalsYAlan Beavers (minors)RHP4Yr
199212321FrRnd1AstrosYDoug Mlicki (minors)RHP4Yr
199125648FrRnd3TwinsYBob Robinson (minors)RHP4Yr
199019524FrRnd19Red SoxYBrian Young (minors)RHP4Yr
199025670FrRnd8IndiansYTim Thomas (minors)1B4Yr
199025684FrRnd22Blue JaysYMatt Hudik (minors)2B4Yr
198918461FrRnd9AngelsYDave Adams (minors)RHP4Yr
198836938FrRnd23CardinalsNDave Adams (minors)RHP4Yr
198335797FrRnd5YankeesNRob Livchak (minors)LHP4Yr
198031rg74FrRnd22ExposYDavid Spriggs (minors)OF4Yr
1979368FrRnd16PiratesYScott Kuvinka (minors)3B4Yr
19797181FrRnd25YankeesYThomas Echstenkamper (minors)OF4Yr
197921535FrRnd15PiratesYLarry Nicholson (minors)LHP4Yr
197637705FrRnd1GiantsNLeslie Ream (minors)2B4Yr
197511sc2FrRnd2TigersYDave Tobik (minors)RHP3.510019614233.71.28284Yr
1974357FrRnd9ExposNDave Tobik (minors)RHP3.510019614233.71.28284Yr
19749201FrRnd9ExposYJohn Novak (minors)LHP4Yr
1973121FrRnd21White SoxY$40,000Steve Swisher (minors)C-1.9509141420.216.5814Yr
197314319FrRnd7AngelsYRobert Makoski (minors)1B4Yr
197330659FrRnd14AthleticsYDave Sparks (minors)SS4Yr
197241sc84FrRnd15IndiansNMike Hannah (minors)1B4Yr
197229649FrRnd6MetsNBo Kleiber (minors)SS4Yr
1971230FrRnd6PhilliesYMike Schmidt (minors)SS106.924048352548.268.9084Yr
197116373FrRnd6PhilliesNMike Hannah (minors)1B4Yr
197123541FrRnd11AngelsYThomas Smith (minors)1B4Yr
197124556FrRnd4RoyalsYJoe Carbone (minors)2B4Yr
197136sc60FrRnd13PiratesYGary Shade (minors)2B4Yr
197021500FrRnd13PiratesYEdward Robbins (minors)RHP4Yr
197029674FrRnd4PhilliesYMalcolm Smoot (minors)C4Yr
196911sc5FrRnd5PiratesUnkJohn Morlan (minors)OF0.049180.111.36749254.161.5804Yr
196916378FrRnd18GiantsYMichael Murphy (minors)1B4Yr
1968114FrRnd14White SoxY$35,000Rich McKinney (minors)SS-2.534188620.225.6154Yr
196846sc66FrRnd6IndiansNJohn Morlan (minors)OF0.049180.111.36749254.161.5804Yr
196711sc6FrRnd6AngelsYTom Murphy (minors)RHP8.51762891.145.361439681013.781.33594Yr
196728539FrRnd10IndiansYJerry McConnell (minors)RHP4Yr
196716sc12FrRnd12PiratesNJohn Morlan (minors)OF0.049180.111.36749254.161.5804Yr
196621rg21FrRnd2MetsYRobert Sabo (minors)RHP4Yr
196640724FrRnd1MetsYRobert Willet (minors)3B4Yr
196616sc4FrRnd4White SoxYHarold Reichenbach (minors)INF4Yr
196646sc61FrRnd1GiantsNTom Murphy (minors)RHP8.51762891.145.361439681013.781.33594Yr
1965585FrRnd5PhilliesYTerry Harmon (minors)SS1.954711254.233.6044Yr
196517327FrRndPiratesYSam Angott (minors)INF4Yr
196518364FrRndAstrosNTom Murphy (minors)RHP8.51762891.145.361439681013.781.33594Yr
196539687FrRndPiratesNHarold Reichenbach (minors)3B4Yr

68 matching player(s). 9 played in the majors (13%). Total of 115.3 WAR, or 12.8 per major leaguer.

DT Key

  • Blank - June Draft
  • 6sc - June Secondary
  • 6sa - June Secondary (normal, 1971 only)
  • 6sd - June Secondary (delayed, 1971 only)
  • 1rg - January Draft
  • 1sc - January Secondary Draft
  • 8lg - August Legion Draft

NOTES: We have not yet matched the 2024 debuts to their draft into. We hope to do so soon.
Please note that searches by state are not complete and not guaranteed to be accurate.
Players are listed regardless of whether they signed or not.
School names may change from year to year making it difficult to find all player drafted from a school.
Please let us know if you find what you believe is an error.

The 1965 draft had a major league and AAA section (rounds 1-3), a AA section (4-7) and A-ball sections (8+). Each team had one pick in rounds 1-7 (MLB, AAA, and AA picks). Starting with the 8th round teams received a pick for each A-ball team in their system in the reverse order of the affiliate finishes. Franchises that shared affiliates, alternated the picks round-by-round. This means that a franchise will have multiple picks in a "round". For presentation reasons here, we have re-labeled the rounds to be the number of the selection made by this franchise. This means that the Twins' 10th round pick could come after the Mets' 12th round pick.

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