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Players who appeared or managed in the major leagues.

given: Joseph Michael, nickname: Sidewinder, Smitty
Franchises: CLE,HOU,ANA
given: Matthew Joel
Franchises: PHI,NYY
given: Salvatore Joseph
Franchises: NYY
given: Pavin Joe
Current Team/Franchise: Arizona Diamondbacks

Players who appeared or managed in Minor or Indy League Baseball, and not the major leagues.

given: Joe
given: Joe Birl
given: Joe
given: Joseph
Franchises: PIT,LAD
given: Josephus Daniels
Franchises: CHC
given: Joe
given: Joseph Easterly
Franchises: NYY
given: Joseph W.
Franchises: SFG,NYY
given: Joseph Cecil
Franchises: LAD,CHC,CIN
given: Joseph Howard
given: Joel
Franchises: WSN,OAK
given: Joel A.
Franchises: ANA
given: Joel M.
given: Thomas Joe
Franchises: ANA,HOU
given: Tommy Joe
Franchises: SFG

Players who appeared or managed in Black Baseball, but not in the major leagues.

given: Joe

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